Wedding Etiquette Forum

thank you question #2

I had several guest either bring no gift or only a card. I'm good with this because I know the financial troubles people are having and I was just thrilled to have them at the wedding.

no gift = no Thank You?
only a card? a Thank You?
Some times the right guy does come aroud twice!******** checkoutmybio Wedding Countdown Ticker image 120 Invited!
image 83 Are coming to share our joy!
image 37 Will be missing out!
image 0 Are Driving me crazy by not retruning that postage paid card! We called on the due date and pestered for answers!

Re: thank you question #2

    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
  • sorry
    Some times the right guy does come aroud twice!******** checkoutmybio Wedding Countdown Ticker image 120 Invited!
    image 83 Are coming to share our joy!
    image 37 Will be missing out!
    image 0 Are Driving me crazy by not retruning that postage paid card! We called on the due date and pestered for answers!
  • You tried Fishy.

    Penny, atleast you posted them both only once.  They've seen worse offenses.

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Send everyone a thank you even for just attending.
  • We sent TY's to everyone.
  • We didn't send thank yous to those who didn't give us a card or gift. It's commonly debated here, but I'm in the belief that the reception was their thank you for attending, and writing a card that says thanks for coming comes off as being passive agressive to me.
  • I believe that "thanks for attending" comes off as "and hey we noticed you didn't give us a gift", so I wouldn't send a thank you card for those who didn't give gifts.  I also wouldn't do it for those who just gave a card for the same reason: "Thanks for the card...noticed it was empty."
    Planning Our Wedding - Updated 04/11/11
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
    "If you can't think of something nice to say, don't say something nice" - Stephen Colbert
  • I think they should receive a TY, simply for coming.  Like mentioned, they may have had to travel or sacrifice some other social event to attend your wedding. 

    I think it's just simply polite to say "thanks for coming & sharing in our special day" even though it may be a little cliche'.

    Congratulations!!! :-)
    When we walk to the edge of all the light we have and take the step into the darkness of the unknown, we must believe that one of two things must happen: There will be something solid for us to stand on, or we will be taught to fly. -Patrick Overton
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