North Carolina


So-  are people returning your RSVPs??  We have had tons of people tell us, yes, we are coming, but I have not received their cards back in the mail.  How hard is it to check yes and put it in the pre-stamped and addressed envelope and return it?  I still have a week until the RSVP deadline, but, I'm getting nervous.  What do I do??



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    edited December 2011
    I haven't sent mine out yet, but I just never understand why the concept is so hard for people. Seriously - it's a self addressed stamped envelope. You don't even need to put a return address sticker on there if you don't want to - we won't hold it against you.
    The only thing I can think to do is wait until the deadline date, and then get busy calling. Even if they've told you "yes" or "no" in the past, I'd still call and politely mention that you are worried their return got lost in the mail since you've not received it, and you needed a definite count for your caterer.
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    edited December 2011
    This was a TOTAL thorn in my side. I can't tell you how many people we had who either a) told us they were coming and didnt send in their RSVP, or b) let us know NOTHING, and didnt send in their RSVP. I found it incredibly rude, for so many reasons. I mean, if you know for SURE you are or are not coming, why not just stick it in your mailbox? Plus, it held me up in doing my seating chart, AND I asked them to select a meal, so it held me up in getting the final numbers to the caterer. So RUDE. One day after the deadline, I emailed everyone who had not RSVP'ed and I said, "We have not yet received an RSVP from you, please let us know by this Friday if you are able to attend, otherwise we will have to assume you cannot." After it was all said and done, I still had a few people who we just never heard from, INCLUDING DH's uncle, which we were all shocked at... he didnt come to the wedding, and there was no rift or anything. That caused big family drama.
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    NcsuPsychNcsuPsych member
    Combo Breaker First Comment First Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    We have about 2 or 3 coming in each day. With that said, today we only got one. . what did it say ?? (Regrets, Sorry) where the names are supposed to go. . . soo 2 people wont be attending, who are those two people? I have NO flipping idea, oh well.

    They'll come eventually. We sent out our invites right after Christmas and it took about two weeks until they finally started to trickle in.  I do have a feeling we'll be making phone calls though.
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    edited December 2011
    We never got all our RSVPs back from my dad's family.  He had to call them, because honestly if I called they'd say who is this?  And they still said they didn't know yet.  So annoying.  I finally started telling people that if I didn't get a for sure answer by X day they were being put as no.  Hopefully, you won't have anyone like that.

    Then the snow came and messed it all up so I guess it didn't matter anyway.
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    edited December 2011
    I think they say on average you don't get 30% back from your parties?  I can't remember how many we didn't get.  My mom tracked them all and I just didn't deal w/it.
    image Ellie and Morgan
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    edited December 2011
    I'm not even going to bother with RSVP cards to be honest.  I'd rather save the paper and have people RSVP online or for the technically challenged call them.  But I bet even then people can't manage to enter a URL and click the checkbox :p
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    edited December 2011
    They trickle in so sllllowly.  I got probably 10-15 responses in the last week and another 5 or so within a few days (after) the deadline.  We also had approximately 10 people from MY side (ridiculous) that I, or my mother/grandmother had to call.  I will say, that most of the people that we had to follow up with were 'no's'.  Although, I did have one person say 'oh, yes, I'm coming...didn't I send in my reply?', she hadn't.  So, I'm glad I actually called b/c she would've shown up to our formal sit down dinner reception with no place to sit and no food...lovely.  You're definitely not alone...and yes, it's super ridiculous and frustrating :\
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