Wedding Etiquette Forum

Random Musings...

I really hate when you're using the microwave at work, and someone comes and stands right beside you, so that you have to take your food right out and can't let it sit in there for a minute like you're supposed to (not that it matters, but still). I just feel so rushed, even though the microwave clearly can't go any faster.

I wish my 21 year old sister wasn't crazy, because there's a 23ish year old guy that I work with that is so cute and I would love to have him as a BIL. He just walked all the way across the office to drop his soda can tab into the charity bucket we have for soda tabs.

Where's Alix?

Anybody else have random thoughts that won't fit in a non-random thread?

Re: Random Musings...

  • Why does Georgia miss Alix and not me? B!tch.
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
  • I've been missing Alix, too!

    I hate when people use the microwave and leave time on it. How hard is it to hit clear?

    I wonder if my husband would be really pissed if I quit my job and went to work at Starbucks? Probably.

    Georgia's going to the Harry Potter theme park before me. I'm jealous.

    I want a puppy.

    I want a baby.

    I think having a puppy and a baby at the same time is a bad idea for me.
  • I want a teaching job.

    I really really really don't want to sub.

    I wish i didn't have to do craft time today at the library. It's fingerpainting and I didn't come prepared, clotheswise, to fingerpaint.

    I need to figure out a dessert to make tonight.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Random Musings...</a>:
    [QUOTE] I want a puppy. I want a baby.
    Posted by mandapanda78[/QUOTE]

    I want a greyhound and a baby.  DH keeps tormenting me by saying I can have just one and I have to pick. 
    two years!
    after two losses, now happily expecting baby #1 09.16.12
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Brie Fit Blog | BFP Chart
  • I think I'm allergic to my shoes.

  • I want football season to start, but I don't want summer to end.

    I want 2 weeks off of work. I'm feeling a wee bit burnt out.

    I'm really nervous...for my golf tournament on Monday.

    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
  • fishy, you've been in and out lately, but Alix has been 100% MIA. There's a difference so CALM DOWN. Oh, wait, that's not my line.

    I want a baby, but crazy sister is going to be sooo hellish when I do because she's absolutely obsessed with babies and I just know it will get to the point where I have to knock her down a peg or two. She honestly thinks she is more important than H's mom, the grandfreakingmother. Crazy sister has already expressed how excited she is to help me decorate the nursery (which she won't be doing) and helping me pick out HALLOWEEN COSTUMES. WTF. She is cuh-razy.

    She also tried to get me to schedule my birthin' around her school schedule (which she only does half-assedly anyway) so she could babysit when the baby is born, which I think I'd told you, manda. Hello, HP Land /> crazy sister's school schedule.
  • I hope our corn fritters turn out ok tonight.  That was always my favorite birthday dinner when I was younger so FI and I are giving my grandma's recipe a try.

    I think I'm going to take a mental health day tomorrow because the weather is supposed to be gorgeous.
    ttc chart
    BFP 8/01/12, EDD 04/10/12, mm/c @ 6wks, discovered at 8wks, D&C 9/05/12
  • When I eat Grapefruit (it has to be ruby red) I tear it apart like an orange and then split it up and only eat the pulp.

    Ry's parents are coming over tonight to help us with the house and I am terribly embarrassed at the state of it at the moment. I ended up shoving all of our clothes in the closet (we didn't move our dresser over yet)

    We didn't have curtains up and I was sick of it so I went to the apartment and took our old curtains down and put a sheet up until we move out.. But the curtains are too short for our house windows.
    image Married and Junk.
  • Alix has been all busy doing Bon Jovi and stuff. She'll come back. I hope. She's also preparing for her trip to Fargo, so I'm sure that's keeping her busy.
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
  • - I can deal with microwave time left on in the office, but what I can't deal with is people not hitting clear on the copier so that I end up with 8 - 2 sided stapled copies of 3 pieces of paper I just needed on normal copy of. 

    - T and I have finally decided that we'll try for another child within the next year, and to be quite honest I think it's all Tides fault for friending me on facebook and then linking all these super cute videos of Taryn. 

    - I could eat a crap ton of gaucomole today - I'm really craving it bad. 
  • I want H to just book our tickets to see the NFL game in London already.  First anniversary trip?  Why yes! Thank you!

    He's not going to eat the dinner I've been slaving over and I'm already preparing myself to not get mad.  

    It's looking like I might be able to get a job in Copenhagen with the help of one of H's friends, but I'm not horribly excited about it.  1) It's retail. 2) It's in Copenhagen, which will be an hour+ commute by train, and then walking.  3) It's retail.  I really didn't want to do that much commuting just for retail.
  • Everyday when I drive home, I pass a pond and there's a pipe where several turtles like to sunbathe. It makes my day everyday. I'll be sad when it gets too cold for them to be out.

    I don't think Bon Jovi could handle Alix.

    Stack, tide/Taryn have also made my uterus jumpstart in the last few months (as evidenced by the GM thread).
    TR, what's the corn fritter recipe? I love all things corn related.
  • I also want a baby and a dog (but not a puppy, a grown up dog).

    I forgot my breakfast and I'm hungry.  I have fiber bars, but uh... hell no, I'm not eating that.  I don't want to fart at my desk all day.

    I want to quit my job and become a rafting guide.  I loved whitewater rafting last week so. freaking. much!

  • TR - is your bday today?  Happy birthday! 

    Fish - I totally agree about the football/summer ending.  It's such a catch 22. 
  • Why is Mr. A not going to eat your delicious Chicken Tagine?
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Random Musings...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Why is Mr. A not going to eat your delicious Chicken Tagine?
    Posted by georgia_bride09[/QUOTE]<div>It's got onions, vegetables, and raisins in it (substituted these for the called for plums or prunes or whatever they were). </div><div>
    </div><div>He's a PITA to cook for.  It's fine.  He can make himself a couple of sandwiches.

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Random Musings...</a>:
    [QUOTE] I want a baby, but crazy sister is going to be sooo hellish when I do because she's absolutely obsessed with babies and I just know it will get to the point where I have to knock her down a peg or two. She honestly thinks she is more important than H's mom, the grandfreakingmother. Crazy sister has already expressed how excited she is to help me decorate the nursery (which she won't be doing) and helping me pick out HALLOWEEN COSTUMES. WTF. She is cuh-razy. She also tried to get me to schedule my birthin' around her school schedule (which she only does half-assedly anyway) so she could babysit when the baby is born, which I think I'd told you, manda. Hello, HP Land /> crazy sister's school schedule.
    Posted by georgia_bride09[/QUOTE]

    I feel you on this. My SIL(H) is nutters. After BIL & other SIL(K) had their baby she kept going around saying things about how Isabella had her(H) eyes and her(H) hair and her(H) nose. Really? Cause I don't remember H giving birth to a baby.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Corn Fritters (from a PA Dutch recipe book, I think)

    2 eggs separated, 2 cups grated corn, 2 heaping TB flour, 1/2 tsp
    salt, dash pepper.

    Beat the eggs separately, the whites first, then the yolks.
    Add the yolks, seasonings, and flour to the corn.
    Lightly fold in the egg whites.
    Put 2 tablespoons of lard or butter into a frying pan.
    (I'm pretty sure my Grandma used cooking/vegetable oil. I also remember
    the fritters weren't 'frying' like pancakes, they were floating in the
    When hot, drop tablespoons of the corn batter into it.
    When fritters are brown on one side, turn over and brown the other side.
    Drain on a paper towel.
    Add copious amounts of syrup and powdered sugar.  Mmm...I'm so excited! :)

    And yes, Stack, it's mah birfday, thank you :)

    ttc chart
    BFP 8/01/12, EDD 04/10/12, mm/c @ 6wks, discovered at 8wks, D&C 9/05/12
  • Huh, so the same reasons my H wouldn't eat it. Yep. A sandwich it would be, along with a side of disdain that he can't try new things. I was taught that you had to try something before you could say you didn't like it. His family, not so much.   
  • *slides into thread, Tom Cruise style*

    Damn right Bon Jovi can't handle me. I sang myself voiceless last night. Fvck me it was fantastic. I love seeing them live.

    I'm here! I'm mad-busy this week and it was Jay's 30th yesterday so I figured, special birthday and all, I owed him some undivided attention Wink

    What's going on dudes?
  • Mmm, corn fritters. Happy Birthday, TR!!
  • I really wish Andy would clean up all his tech/nerd stuff in the living room.  I can't feel like we live in a space until it's been cleaned and his junk is everywhere.  *sigh*
    My Bio Updated 4/6/10
  • kikibabykikibaby member
    edited July 2010
    My SIL has been ridonculous since she's been pregnant.  She actually put on FB the other day that she thought she should get a handicapped thing for her car so she didn't have to walk so far to the store.  I know it sucks to be 7 months PG in the summer, but she doesn't even work, so just stay home and quit whining. 

    ETA: Oh, AND, she told me I need to watch this video she saw about how hospitals are all about making people have C-sections, conspiracy theory style.
  • Happy Birthday, TR!!! WOOT!
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
  • Happy Birthday TR! That recipes sounds so delicious right now.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Happy Birthday, TR!  I want some corn fritters- nom!
  • I love every vegetable, except corn.  I detest it actually.  It's really weird.
  • I'm kind of jealous that someone I used to intern with got a fulltime position with the company. I don't know why I'm jealous because a) I still have two years of school left and couldn't work full-time now anyway, and b) I'm not really interested in working in that particular field. Whatevs.
  • There's she is!!

    So, how was Jay's b-day? Did you cook for him?
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