Wedding Etiquette Forum

Happy Thursday!

How are my lovely ladies today? I know a lot of you have today and/or tomorrow off. Whoo!

I have to work for a few hours this am and then run some errands. H went back to work today feeling a little better. Maybe the rest yesterday did us both some good.

Enjoy your day!

Re: Happy Thursday!

  • Thanks cfa! I really do feel like I have more energy today already.

    Aww, I hope everything is okay with your friend.
  • Good morning! Glad you're feeling better, Missy! My throat feels just a little off. I went to bed with wet hair and I remember being cold, so that's probably it. I'm SOOOOO glad that I'm off tomorrow and get to sleep in! I really need the extra day to clean too. The house is just...ugh. H works tomorrow and has to work on Saturday too. Then to MILs for Easter.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • Those Keurig machines are pretty nifty. My parents got one for Christmas and it sure does make a good cup of coffee.
  • I LOVE mine when I actually wake up early enough to use it! And ONE TIME in the dead of winter, I told MIL that I couldnt' find the hot chocolate. Now we have enough to last us through the apocalypse.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • Good Morning!  I have a half day today and half day tomorrow.  Woot!  So excited.  Today I'll probably take Jocelyn to the library and hang out there for a while and then go to the gym.  Nothing overly exciting, but it should be a good day. 

    Jocelyn and I went on a bear hunt this morning and found a sleeping bear (Trevor) and he scared the bajeezies out of her.  It was hilarious. 
  • Oh, I love going on "bear hunts." I even have the song to do the little fingerplay with. That book is one of my favorites, but of course, I have so many favorite childrens books, it is hard to choose an all time favorite.
  • I'd say the bear hunt is probably my favorite that she's learned at preschool so far.  We can do it anywhere and she gets so into it so then I don't have to worry about her not listening.  I'm not sure why I've never thought to use it in the mornings to get her up before today. 
  • Gah you make me want kids soo bad. And it's not often that I want little children, just babies ;)
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • Morning!  I'm working at home today.  I wish all the love-fest threads would take place on a Thursday sometime so I could actually participate instead of just reading them afterwards :(

    I am totally jealous of all of you who have tomorrow off!  Not me!  Oh well.

    I keep looking at the 10-day weather forecast in hopes that it has changed and it isn't forecasted to be so sh!tty anymore, but no such luck.  It's supposed to rain almost every day and we have had a ridiculous amount already.  I guess we're under a flash flood warning until Saturday.  I have never experienced this much rain, ever.  I'm over it.
  • I don't know if I'm 'over' the rain  yet. I love rainy days. But sun is good too I guess lol. I just have more clothes that fit for colder weather than I do for spring. I really need to go shopping I guess.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • Yes Cfas - definite chanting. 

    Abby the rain is ridiculous!!  RIDICULOUS.  The forecast just bums me out. 
  • Abby - I have seen (and heard) on the news that it has been doing nothing but rain there. It always rains a lot in the spring in Ohio, but it sounds like it has been a little over the top. When we were home for 5 days the week before last, I think there was only one nice, sunny, warm day.

    We can't buy rain here in GA. H says he can count on his fingers and toes how many times it has rained here in the 2.5 yrs he has been here.
  • My mom has had a Keurig for a while now probably a couple years.  I just used it the other day and it goes soooooo slow now.  It was almost like a regular coffee pot.  Anyway.

    I remember someone a while back saying they used those wooden flowers from that seller on etsy.. I wanted to ask the person how they liked them.  Was that anyone is here?

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  • Missysue I think this spring is way worse than normal.  It's one thing to have spring showers daily but these are all day events that just dump buckets of water.  There's only been one day that called for rain that it didn't end up raining.  There were 6 confirmed tornadoes in central ohio the night before last.  They're saying the farmers are really worried that the ground is going to be too saturated to plant on time. 

  • edited April 2011
    Stacks - When we were driving back last week on Rt 56, we saw a lot of standing water in much of the farm fields. I definitely believe it about the farmers being worried about planting on time. And then of course, that effects so much else, which sucks for us the consumer.

    I just wish you guys could bottle some of that rain and send it here. I mean, its not like I like rain either, but it is necessary and there is such thing as too much, like you have there.
  • cfa - I am jealous. But of course that was us last weekend. I will probably stay in relax mode until it is time to go to church Saturday night and then to our friends house Sunday afternoon.
  • Cfas you have a perfect weekend ahead for you.  We'll be going to church on Sunday and then to the IL's for dinner.  They never make mashed potatoes for holiday dinners though so I'll be making some to take.  They thought I was so weird for bringing them to Christmas dinner but I don't care.  Turkey and Ham can not be eaten on a holiday w/o mashed potatoes.  I think it should be a law. 
  • Morning ladies!

    I'm okay. Pissed off about work. I started here four months ago and their training/communication has been less than stellar. It's really frustrating. I just want to stay here until we leave NJ next year but it's not happening fast enough :-/

    Stacks, that is hysterical about the bear hunt. So flippin' cute!
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  • I'm home from work already! WOO!!
  • I'm sort of missing going to my mom's this weekend. She always makes the best sides. But it will be fine I guess. The only thing I'm annoyed about is that by going to MILs, we'll be stuck there all freaking day. Meet them at church, then go for lunch and then...just sit. I know I'm still 'with' H, but it's not the same. Since he works this Saturday, I really won't have any time with him at all.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • Snippy - yay for being home!

    Stacks - I totally agree about the ham and mashed potatos thing. I will probably end up making some cookies or something to go along with us. I always feel bad not bringing anything when I am invited to someone's house.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:99b0d1d6-3c2e-4f3a-844b-4a55d4e24faaPost:0a69012c-af34-416f-accc-44685156e45e">Re: Happy Thursday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm home from work already! WOO!!
    Posted by Snippylynn[/QUOTE]

    You do realize that we hate you, right? How did you get off early?
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • cfa - I am trying to picture that filing you were describing. I can't decide if it sounds delicious or not.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Happy Thursday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Missysue I think this spring is way worse than normal.  It's one thing to have spring showers daily but these are all day events that just dump buckets of water.  There's only been one day that called for rain that it didn't end up raining.  There were 6 confirmed tornadoes in central ohio the night before last.  They're saying the farmers are really worried that the ground is going to be too saturated to plant on time. 
    Posted by Stackeye210[/QUOTE]

    Yes - I have never seen anything like this spring.  I think my neighbors had some kind of damage after Tuesday night's storms, because there were construction people doing something with lots of piping along our property line yesterday....

    UGH.  The 10-day forecast is totally depressing.  I feel like we just have to make it to May, and we'll be OK.

    At this rate we will never be able to get our lawn mowed!  It's so long but it's been too wet.
  • I should totally be cleaning the house, but I can't seem to want to! blah.
  • Who needs to clean house, right?
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Happy Thursday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Happy Thursday! : You do realize that we hate you, right? How did you get off early?
    Posted by louisvillebride21[/QUOTE]


    It was a half day of work today. :)I've actually been home for a few hours.

    And good morning! I'm working today, but hopefully I'll be done early. I'm off tomorrow, and we're heading back home tomorrow morning with my other brothers and their S/O and my adorbs nephews.

    And, I think I might be getting a new car in the near future? I have mixed feelings about this.
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

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