Wedding Etiquette Forum

Sending gifts back?

After reading some of the 2 Keurig's thread, something came to my mind and I wanted to know what proper etiquette would be (and your opinions) on sending the gifts back after a wedding happens but the marriage lasts less than 3 months?
I'm asking because my husband was in his friends wedding and the "bride" left the husband less than 3 months in to be with a guy she had sex with on the bachelorette party. I didn't expect the gift back. It was a grill set for him but I would have been pretty ticked if we got them a really expensive gift that she somehow ended up with. It really wasn't that huge of a deal either way, just wanted to hear y'alls thoughts.

The thing that really did piss me off was the fact that we got a thank you note a month after they filed for divorce. I just thought the thank you notes should have gone out before the marriage was over. Call me old fashioned...
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