Wedding Etiquette Forum

People who litter--I hate you

I know this isn't a wedding etiquette issue, but I think of it more as an environmental etiquette problem and I need to vent.

I was driving to work this morning and the guy a ways in front of me threw an empty can out the window--while we were driving, not even stopped at a light. Then like 2 miles later he threw a cigarette butt out the window and it hit my front windshield. So that got me thinking about this other guy DH and I saw on our HM in the Keys a few weeks ago. He was pulling out of a boat launching area, had obviously just left the water, and he threw a wrapper on the road. That told us he likely tossed his garbage out in the water too.

I don't understand this mentality. I don't understand why people feel they have the right to treat the world as their own personal garbage can. When I worked at the zoo, people would toss stuff into animal enclosures and we almost had a baby giraffe die after swallowing a plastic spoon. Or they would throw cigarette butts and other stuff at the monkeys for a laugh. The only thrill I got from that was yelling at them and calling them ignorant or whatever name I could get away with without being fired. At my college, people would throw cigarette buts and wrappers everywhere. When you looked in the plant beds all you saw was trash.

I live in Florida, and my DH is about to be sent off by the state to help with the oil spill, so seeing people litter makes me extra pissy. It's bad enough the world is overun with stupid people. It's bad enough our entire state, as well as several others, will be ruined from the oil. Why contribute to the complete massacre of the land? It makes me both sad and furious to know people are so ignorant, or flat-out careless.

Re: People who litter--I hate you

  • salt78salt78 member
    I agree. 
    And for the record, one of my biggest pet peeves is when a lit cigarette bounces off my windshield. Instant road rage.
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  • LesPaulLesPaul member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    Agreed.  Or the moron who dumps their car ashtray out in the street while waiting for the light to change.  Who do you think picks up all that crap, the trash fairy?
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  • I hate when people flick cigarette butts out their window.  I always wish it would fly back in and land on their crotch.

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  • One of my greatest fears when I see a burning cigarette get tossed is that somehow it will fly underneath my car and hit the exact right spot that makes me blow up.  I'm sure it's probably irrational but spark + oil/heat/gas just = explosion in my head.
  • FemlinFemlin member
    It is quite infuriating, yes.

    I think people who do this type of thing are very self-entitled and those are my least favorite kinds of people ever. EVER.
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  • I agree.  I was at the cruise ship dock yesterday and I saw so many tourist get off and flick their cigarettes butts on the ground.  It pissed me off so bad.  Fine, if you want to litter your home I do not give a shiit, but DO NOT litter mine.

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  • edited May 2010
    Or they would throw cigarette butts and other stuff at the monkeys for a laugh.

    You worked at a zoo that allowed smoking?

    I agree though, I hate litterers too (if that's even a word). And I HATE when cigarettes butts hit my car. One landed on the hood of my black car, and left a burn mark. For real. Buddy threw it out the window while we were pulling away from a light, and it landed right on the hood, and didn't blow off for a few blocks.
  • I couldn't agree more.  I really hate when people throw their cig. butts out the window and it hits/comes near my car. I just think its really rude to me and everyone else.   It's even worse when I see someone throw something out their window. 
  • Someone in the passenger seat of a car next to me at a light threw a cigarette butt out the window. My windows were down and it flew, hit my arm, and burned me. I was furious and I'm not sure I have used language like that (sober) before.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:a1003616-52ab-45bc-84a7-5aaac672ab55Post:e00293c2-83b9-46dd-9512-c3070d3c1e1e">Re: People who litter--I hate you</a>:
    [QUOTE]Someone in the passenger seat of a car next to me at a light threw a cigarette butt out the window. My windows were down and it flew, hit my arm, and burned me. I was furious and I'm not sure I have used language like that (sober) before.
    Posted by mandybear7[/QUOTE]

    I would have been livid. If I'm driving next to someone who is smoking with my windows down I have to put them up until they aren't next to me anymore.  Just the smell of smoke makes me mad.
  • I totally agree with this post!  The world is not your ashtray......or garbage can.  I hate driving down the street and seeing full fast food bags where people just tossed their trash out the window.  This little old man that lives at the end of my street has a cute little bucket hanging on his fence right by a bus stop - there is still trash on the ground.  It makes me so annoyed that he can put a trash can right where people stand and they still are so inconsiderate and throw it on the ground. 
  • I hate those people too.

    I used to drive around with my friends and when they would throw something out of my car, I would stop and make them pick it up. They hated it, but they wouldn't litter when I was around.
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  • salt78salt78 member
    In Response to <a href="">Re: People who litter--I hate you</a>:
    [QUOTE]I couldn't agree more.  I really hate when people throw their cig. butts out the window and it hits/comes near my car. I just think its really rude to me and everyone else.   It's even worse when I see someone throw something out their window. 
    Posted by strawberrycrz[/QUOTE]

    <div>Not related to this, but I like your sig pic. Clearly we are from the same town. :)</div>
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:a1003616-52ab-45bc-84a7-5aaac672ab55Post:21822e06-0866-4351-a948-e692c9078b5d">Re: People who litter--I hate you</a>:
    [QUOTE]Or they would throw cigarette butts and other stuff at the monkeys for a laugh. You worked at a zoo that allowed smoking? Posted by pumpkinpumpkin[/QUOTE]

    They allowed smoking for the first few months I was there. Then they changed to a no-smoking policy but no one listened. I told people repeatedly there was no smoking and they either told me to f*ck off (literally, people leave their class behind when tehy go to the zoo) or flicked the butts in the enclosures just to make a point.
    They also got mad that we didn't offer straws and lids with the drinks.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:a1003616-52ab-45bc-84a7-5aaac672ab55Post:e00293c2-83b9-46dd-9512-c3070d3c1e1e">Re: People who litter--I hate you</a>:
    [QUOTE]Someone in the passenger seat of a car next to me at a light threw a cigarette butt out the window. My windows were down and it flew, hit my arm, and burned me. I was furious and I'm not sure I have used language like that (sober) before.
    Posted by mandybear7[/QUOTE]

    Holy crap I would have killed somebody. You can ebt that butt would have been thrown back in their car, for one thing, and I would have taken their license plate number.

    I can't handle people smoking near me. My asthma acts up really bad, especially when it gets in the car and is circulating. In my own perfect world, smoking would be illegal.
  • Littering drives me crazy.  A lot of states have a hotline you can call to report someone who's littering.  Mostly you just need their license plate number and a description of when it was and where you were. 

    You can find info for many of the hotlines here:

    or google for your state/providence specifics.

    In NC we have a "swat a litter-bug" program where you can call or report online.  Offenders get a nasty letter at first, then repeat offenders could be subject to fines.

    It may not stop everyone, but if they get a nasty letter maybe it will make them think twice.
  • I find it especially annoying that people drop their trash on the ground when there's a trash can nearby. If you're too lazy to walk twelve steps to throw your shiit away, there's something wrong with you.

    My neighbor's granddaughters and their boyfriends have a habit of throwing their potato chip and candy bar wrappers on my lawn, and then act like they don't know how it got there. Yeah, right.... It just coincidentally all ends up on the side of our yard next to your driveway.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:a1003616-52ab-45bc-84a7-5aaac672ab55Post:57f4b31d-2f41-4050-b088-732c353856e5">Re: People who litter--I hate you</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: People who litter--I hate you : Not related to this, but I like your sig pic. Clearly we are from the same town. :)
    Posted by salt78[/QUOTE]

    Aw, Thanks.  Gotta love Charm City.   
  • Ugh, this is one of my biggest pet peeves!  I was walking behind someone going into Wawa and we were not even three feet from the special cigarette sand thingy and they just dropped the butt on the ground.  I jogged up, tapped them on the shoulder and said, "Oh, sir, excuse me, I'm sorry, but you dropped something."  He just looked at me and kept walking.  Jackass.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: People who litter--I hate you</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ugh, this is one of my biggest pet peeves!  I was walking behind someone going into Wawa and we were not even three feet from the special cigarette sand thingy and they just dropped the butt on the ground.  <strong>I jogged up, tapped them on the shoulder and said, "Oh, sir, excuse me, I'm sorry, but you dropped something.</strong>"  He just looked at me and kept walking.  Jackass.
    Posted by FutureMrsTR[/QUOTE]

    I do that too
  • I ran gas stations for years, and you wouldn't believe how many people pull up to get gas, and just open the door and empty the ashtray on the tarmac. Hello! I had 12 trash cans on the lot, you cant use one?

    My favorite is when the cigarette is still lit and they "do" use the trash can. Fire+gas station, not cool.
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  • edited May 2010
    People get fined for throwing cigarette butts out the window here a LOT because it's a wildfire hazard. Also, our storm drains have signs with pictures of dolphins that say, "Drains to ocean" on them.

    I also think the same thing about people who just leave their trash on the table at fast food restaurants or don't flush in a public restroom. Were you raised in a barn?
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  • I didn't know about these hotlines. I'm going to have to see if we have one.

    But how do you prove that they littered? Surely they can't fine someone based on a phone call. I mean, I'd love to see a person have to pay out the ass for throwing a cigarette butt out the window, I'm just wondering how you could actually prove they did it without a picture. Anyone could call in with a license plate number.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: People who litter--I hate you</a>:
    [QUOTE]This is one of my biggest pet peeves as well.  I can't stand people who think their cigarette butts can just be tossed anywhere they want.   My other annoyance with littering is GUM!  I just stepped on a piece the other day and was furious.  Got stuck on the bottom of my shoe and before I realized it was then inside my car on the mat.  It's disgusting.  Do you really need to spit it out on the street?
    Posted by maggiepatch[/QUOTE]

    I have a gum phobia. I never chew it. I hate the consistency. I hate having spit in my mouth. I hate mint, so I really hate the flavor and smell of most gum. I seriously shudder when I see a big ol' wad of it hanging out somewher.
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  • I'm not sure of all the details.  I know the initiative here has been around for years.  They wouldn't keep funding it if it wasn't working, right?
  • tlv204tlv204 member
    In Response to <a href="">Re: People who litter--I hate you</a>:
    [QUOTE]One of my greatest fears when I see a burning cigarette get tossed is that somehow it will fly underneath my car and hit the exact right spot that makes me blow up.  I'm sure it's probably irrational but spark + oil/heat/gas just = explosion in my head.
    Posted by kate51485[/QUOTE]

    Me too! And I even used to be one of those assholes.
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  • We recently had a restaurant catch on fire because someone threw a cigarette in a flower bed.  It was a total loss and now all those people are without a job because there is no restaurant.
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