This will most likely be a P&R because I'm almost done with work, but follow me here.
The county I got married in (my hometown) doesn't mail certified marriage certificates and requires that someone pick them up in person. Our marriage license hadn't made it to the county clerk's office yet when my mom went last week, so I won't be able to pick them up now until next week when I'm back for her surgery.
Do any of you know if:
1) I can change my name at ANY social security office, even if it's in a different state from where I reside?
2) Do you think I would be able to hop across the river and update my drivers license in Kentucky while I'm there as well, even though it won't be in my current county?
Because if the answer is yes to both above, that would make my life a lot easier!! I have to update my car registration by the end of the month and I was hoping to do the name change and registration in one swoop. That's my only reason for wanting to rush this along and I'll have some free time while my mom is in the hospital next week.