Combining two posts into one.
1. Invitation: FI's parents are divorced (from each other, and from their second spouses), and his dad is contributing $$. My parents are contributing $$ also.
Is "Together with our parents, Pisces and Aries invite you to..." appropriate language? Or do we need to list parents' names? If so, how do I list that to not imply his parents are married (which understandably would upset a lot of people)?
2. In the case of a friend of mine, who has a teenage daughter from marriage #1, and a toddler with her new husband, is this an appropriate way to address the invitation:
Jane and John Smith
Teenager Jones
Toddler Smith
Or can I get away with "And children"? I don't want Teenager to feel like I'm slighting her...
Mom to a beautiful boy and girl!