Wedding Etiquette Forum

Invitation/Address Quandries - too many divorces

Combining two posts into one. 

1.  Invitation:  FI's parents are divorced (from each other, and from their second spouses), and his dad is contributing $$.  My parents are contributing $$ also. 

Is "Together with our parents, Pisces and Aries invite you to..." appropriate language? Or do we need to list parents' names? If so, how do I list that to not imply his parents are married (which understandably would upset a lot of people)?

2. In the case of a friend of  mine, who has a teenage daughter from marriage #1, and a toddler with her new husband, is this an appropriate way to address the invitation:
Jane and John Smith
Teenager Jones
Toddler Smith
Or can I get away with "And children"?  I don't want Teenager to feel like I'm slighting her...

Mom to a beautiful boy and girl!

Re: Invitation/Address Quandries - too many divorces

  • 1. I think that's fine, but since your parents are both contributing money, I'd have each one look over the invitation wording and okay it.

    2. I think you should write out their names. It isn't that much harder than not, and technically it's more proper. The way you have it listed is correct.
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  • edited August 2010
    1. Two individuals listed on the same line is generally shorthand for "married" while listing them on separate lines means "not married". 

    If it's too confusing or just too many names, "Along with their parents" is common and perfectly acceptable.  I ran my invite wording by all the parents just to avoid any hurt feelings.

    2.  I wouldn't list the kids on the invitation.  I understand the sentiment of wanting to include the children and be open about blending the family, but the children are not the ones hosting the party, and IMO it's a little weird.

    EDIT: Sorry I completely misread the second part.  List all the kids on the invite.
  • quotequeenquotequeen member
    edited August 2010
    You don't have to put the kids' last names.  Write:

    Jane and John Smith
    Teenager and Toddler

    "and family" or "and children" are not proper.
    Married 10/2/10
  • 1. I did the "with their parents" without writing out names. PIB if you want to see

    2. I just wrote out the first names of the children, no slighting there.
  • edited August 2010

    My parents and my FI's parents are divorced our invite wording was:

    Together with their parents 

    blah and blah

    wish to invite you to their day of happiness


    Edit: we originally had all the names on the invite, it became overwhelming and I told them all that we loved them all equally so this is what we decided.

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