Wedding Etiquette Forum

Place cards...

This has probably been asked a million times, but I am going to ask it again. :-) What is the proper way to do place cards for the reception? Is it one per person? Do married couples go on one together as a "Mr. and Mrs."? If the married couple has young children, do they get their own? What if I have (and I unfortunately do) a few guests that RSVP'd for "Jane Doe and guest," but when asked they said they still don't know who they are bringing?? Thanks in advance for all your help!

Re: Place cards...

  • It depends on what you are doing.  Place cards are placed on each table and are used to tell the person exactly where to sit.  If this is what you are doing, then its one card per person as they  cannot share a chair.

    Escort cards are different, and they are what I'm used to seeing.  Escort cards are usually in the lobby or somewhere when you walk in, and tell the people what table to sit at.  If you are doing escort cards, you can do one couple per card, or one family per card. 

    Meal choices can make it more difficult.  If you need to designate meal choices on the card, it may be easier to do one per person.  We did meal choices but the servers only needed to know how many meals of each were needed at the table, so we still did one per couple or family.  We used small colored rhinestones in the corner of the card to designate meal choices so they fit easily. 
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • Oh yeah, for the guests whose names you don't know.  The few I needed names for I called right before I did place cards and asked if they knew.  If they didn't know still i just wrote & guest. 
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
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