i have officially received an invitation to the shower of a good friend for June 4. i am not in her wedding. it is also rumored that the shower for BIL's fiance will also be June 4, although at 5 weeks out i still havent received the official invite. i am in this wedding.
the friends shower is local, the other is 2 hours away. i honestly dont want to go to either (i loathe showers), but of the two id rather go to my friends because i wont have the drive (and entire day off wasted with travel, etc.), and i'm closer to the friend than BIL's fiance.
however, i know that family guilt will be in full force, especially since im a BM (total courtesy ask). i personally could care less abotu the guilt, i try not to let it rule my decisions, but they will take it out on my H if i dont go. i was hoping i could argue that i received the other invite first, but i did have a heads up that the other one "might" be the same weekend.
the other thing is that i also have to miss the wedding of another good friend (not the one with the shower June 4) so that i can be in and attend BIL's wedding. that was a no brainer that family shoudl come first, when choosing between 2 weddings.
what would you do?