Wedding Etiquette Forum

I start my new job today and other Tuesday things here :)

I don't think I'v ever started a good morning or good evening thread. But I am up bright and early since I start work again today. No more knotting in the day time for me :(
I'm excited/nervous about this. And not looking forward to QA stuff ALLL day. So boring.

How is everyone's Tuesday looking?

Re: I start my new job today and other Tuesday things here :)

  • My Tuesday was good, just worked and baked cupcakes. It's over now and off to bed. Good morning to you all hope you have a good day.
  • Good Morning!  Congrats on starting the new job.  What are you going to be doing?

    Today they're having Father's Day at Jocelyn's school and when we told her last night that T was going to go she started jumping up and down and hugging him.  It was so cute.  She's beyond excited and she went over the details of the day with me like 10 times this morning. 
  • Stacks-I will be starting as an adolescent mental health counselor.

    And that story is soo cute!!!
  • Yay for new jobs!

    I am about to leave for work. I am so ready to speed through these next 2 weeks. 

    I hate when you have an appointment and it takes forever for them to see you. I had an appointment at 4:15 and I did not see the doctor until 6. WTF. that is just not ok.
    I was also asked in the waiting room about the size of my ring, and then given marriage advice. The one lady told me I should watch Sinbad he gives really good advice on marriage.

    Right ok. 
  • Rosie, you didn't watch Sinbad? Why I made FI sit down and watch a ton with me :) lol.

    I hate doctors appts. I hate waiting. I am not a patient person. It makes me wonder how I'm getting through this deployment lol.
  • Ugh it was terrible. I am not a biitch but I just don't make conversation with the people sitting around me, it is not in my nature. The nurse called for one of the other patients and the lady who was giving me advice started talking about how her son  has the same name as that patient and how she thinks its a strong name and how her other son is named this and that and blah blah blah

    This is the same doctors office waiting room in which I had another gentleman show me some drawings he did and then he played his various anime ring tones for me. God I must have a "talk to me" sticker or something
  • side note LTB, never ever go to the doctors office in NE catticornered to the stop and go.
  • Sinbad has a new reality show that just started a few weeks ago.  I guess it comes on right after Tony Braxton's reality show.  I have zero interest to see either.

    Rosie I'll teach you my scowl b*tch face that I turn on and off.  People stay away, it's really quite easy. 
  • hahahaha Rosie I hate making small talk in situations like that. It's always just bizarre.
  • mkruparmkrupar member
    5000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its
    Good Morning!

    Good Luck GG!

    I would love to see little Jocelyn soooo excited for Mr. Stacks visit. That's adorable!

    LTB my freshman year History class was called Contemporary Society and we studied history starting with WWII. It was a great class and we learned about all of that stuff. We even watched Mississippi Burning.
  • Good luck, GG!

    Stacks, Jocelyn is so adorable!

    Rosie -- I hate it when people talk to me when I'm in the waiting room/on a plane/etc. as well.  Maybe that makes me a bitch but sometimes I just like my alone time to catch up on a book or something.

    I'm feeling like total crap.  And got to walk in the rain to work.  Ugh.  I feel like a zombie and pretty much look the same, so maybe the boss will take pity on me and tell me to go home.

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  • Morning!

    Good luck, GG!

    Bay :( I hope you get to go home! Feel better.

    Stack- I need to learn this face too.  kthx.
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  • I really thought I had a good scowl face on, but I feel like these were the kind of people that don't pick up on things like that. The one lady was all, i  am from south carolina and I can talk to a wall blah blah blah.

    I tried to tune her out but she started talking about homeless people and how if you are living pay check to pay check and you donate or give then it means more than if you have a lot of money and you give. I guess I kind of get the basic principle, but I think any giving is good. I don't exactly feel like I can rank it.
  • Aw bay I hope you feel better!!
  • Good luck today GG! 

    Rosie, I think you're just a nice person and people like to talk to nice people. I am not a nice person and no one has ever tried to talk to me. Come spend some time with me and no one will ever talk to you again. 

    In other news, I think the sky is falling. It has rained almost an inch already today and it's only just now 8am. This is insane. 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Thanks Mrs. Fezz and Rosie :)

    Rosie, one time when my BFF and I were taking a flight from CT to TX, we ended up in the aisle with this lady who was from Oklahoma who would not. stop. talking.  She was very sweet at first, said she was a college professor so she was interested in young people, and we had a good conversation for about two hours. 

    Then she asked if we "had accepted Jesus Christ as our personal savior."  We told her that we were Catholic, and she said "Oh no no no.  Catholics are NOT Christians."  And didn't say another word to us for the rest of the flight.  Awkward.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • Feel better Bay.  And that is seriously awkward that the lady would stop talking to you.  I hate airplane conversations they're  the worst b/c people are hard to hear over the airplane noise and I hate saying, "What" all the time so I just smile and nod a lot. 

    It's May 17th and I have the heater in my office on.  There is something so wrong about this! 

  • I have a little space heater under my desk, and I'm thinking of turning it on, too, Stacks.  My pants are soaked from the rain and air-drying isn't cutting it.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • Good morning.  I had my first math class of the summer.  The professor is a little hard to understand, but I think the class is going to be easy, which is nice.  I'm ready for it to be Thursday evening.  We're going to an awesome hibachi place for a friend's birthday, and I'm pretty excited about it.

    Rosie, that's why I just don't go to the doctor.  But I also have someone in the family with a prescription pad, so it's a little easier for me to avoid having to go :)

    Bay, feel better!
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    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • Oh that is awesome Bay. Some people really don't have a freaking filter. I don't get it.

  • Also, I just found out I'm not eligible for any Pell grants this year.  Way to go, married life.
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    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • Gooooooood Morning!

    Pretty soon all the bible thumpers will be gone (RAPTURE!) so then who will be left to engage us in awkward conversations??????
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  • It'll just be the heathens and the idol-worshipers like Cfas and me, Pink :)

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • Morning.

    My Tuesday started okay, then I opened my e-mail and found out someone I went to school with (elementary and high school) was killed in a car accident yesterday.  I wasn't close with him after e-school, but it's still a big shock.  He was a year younger than me.

    On a more positive note, I have another fitting tonight.
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  • And hopefully some dogs & kittens will still be around too.  I refuse to survive the end of the world without furry companions. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Good luck on the new job, GG!

    Speaking of new jobs, I'm really liking mine.  It's actually kind of refreshing to go from a haphazardly-run small law firm to a bigger corporate one.  I was genuinely shocked when I got my keys and passwords on the first day!

    To me, the funniest thing about the end of the world this weekend is that the 21st is my brother's birthday.  I'm going to post the REM song "It's the End of the World" video on his FB on Saturday *heh*.
  • mkruparmkrupar member
    5000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its
    Wait so the Catholics won't ascend into heaven during the rapture? <---confused
  • baystateapplebaystateapple member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited May 2011
    I doubt it, MK.  At least, I know I won't be, because I don't think I believe in The Rapture as it's been dictated to me.

    ETA: I also think it's funny that all of these people claim to know EXACTLY when The Rapture will be, when it says specifically in the Bible, "You will not know the day nor the hour" of the coming of the Lord.  Kind of doesn't make sense to me.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • Morning everyone. What a gross day here in DC! I woke up feeling really good but then had Revenge of the Morning Sickness. Blech. Oh well, doctor's appointment for me and Turkeybutt at 11:15, woot!
  • Awww, Panda :(  I hope you feel better.  And I hope Turkeybutt is energetic today for his or her viewing :)

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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