Wedding Etiquette Forum

Do-overs - I haz them


Re: Do-overs - I haz them

  • Wedding: I would have picked a different first seamstress, since now I have to find a second to fix the bustle.  And I would have been stricter with my mother and the guest list. 

    Life: can I cut out years 18 and 19?  And/or not moved in and bought a house with my ex so that I could have the money and dignity I lost back?
  • Wedding (still planning): Sometimes I wish I had given into FI and agreed to the Catholic wedding in his hometown.  I'm planning a wedding that I know he won't be entirely happy with, and that makes me sad.  (Of course, at the same time, I wouldn't have been comfortable with the Catholic ceremony either.  There's no good compromise here.)

    Life: I wish I had either stuck with psychology long enough to get a graduate degree, or studied something else altogether.  My B.S. in psychology hasn't really done anything for me, and if I want to continue in my current field I need to go back for an accounting degree.
  • Wedding--I wish I had done more research on a lot of the things we bought. I did research on the big stuff, and by the time I got to the smaller stuff, I was tired of looking so I just bought the first thing I saw. I DIYed my invites and didn't research paper costs, and spent more than if I had ordered them.

    Life--I wish I had done all four years at the school I graduated from instead of two at a private school. I'd have half as much debt, and would have had four years with my sorority instead of 2. I also rushed so fast to graduate that I picked a horrible internship, and my degree is now useless.
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  • Wedding - I wish I hired a videographer. I have a few clips from people's personal cameras but when I see other people's professional videos I get that tinge of regret.

    Life - I wish I went for a double major in college. I love Anthropology and that I was able to do archaeology for 4 years, but now I'm left with a degree that gets me no jobs. Instead of doing some classes here and there I wish I picked up something useful in addition.
  • WR: Different photographer. I'm not near as happy with my photos as I should be.

    Life: I would have done better in college. So much of it was easy for me, that I just didn't care that much, and then when it was hard, I was like, "Oh, gee, this is hard. Let's go do something instead of studying!"
  • Wedding - I'm still in the early phases, so there's nothing to regret/change yet. However, I'm sure it will be something anxiety related, wishing I wouldn't have freaked out so much about something when all is said and done.

    Life - I wish I knew at 18 when I was rushing a sorority what I know now about friendships with girls. I might have still picked the same sorority, but I didn't know how to be friends with girls and have healthy friendships. I was mostly rushing to get out of my comfort zone. As a result, I ended up not being as close with the girls as I wish I had been and there were some not fun memories from my later years in college of being left out of activities and made fun of by the younger mean girls. I didn't have enough friends to back me up, so I pretty much felt lonely and like a failure. As an adult, I'm not being invited to their weddings and I really have no reason to invite them to mine. It makes me sad.
  • Wedding:  I wish the wedding guest list wasn't as big as it is.....not much I can do but I wanted a bit of a smaller wedding (150-170 people) but with large Italian families that doesn't happen.

    Bonus Question:  I really wish I hadn't wasted a year in a PhD program that I hated.  I was miserable and it was a huge waste of money.
  • wedding:  i sort of wish we'd done engagement photos, only because we could have had some fun, outdoor pictures of H and i, seeing as we were married in winter and 99% of our photos were done inside.  but i just couldnt justify the unecessary expense.

    life:  i had a chance to visit alaska about 9 years ago.  i didnt go, and i wish i had, as i'll probably never get a chance to go again.
  • Wedding-we would have had a small wedding in Costa Rica like we wanted. If our families could make it cool, if not, see ya when we get back.

    Life-I wouldn't have gotten SO wrapped up in Rick and my relationship in high school. Obviously it turned out well for us, but I lost a lot of friends and didn't participate in a lot of things because I wanted to spend all of my time with him.
  • Wedding (Still Planning): I would've gone with the cheaper photographer. I would've gone with a different non-DIY favor because I'm only about 1/3 of the way done and am SO busy. Would not have gone to David's Bridal first and I would not have bought a dress the first day out, but I love my dress now that I've spent 400 bucks altering it completely.

    Life: would've tried harder to avoid student loans instead of using them to pay for living expenses on top of everything else. 1/2 my monthly income goes to my loan payments. It's $10 more a month than our mortgage.
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