Wedding Etiquette Forum

Need to vent. (hormonal vent - feel free to ignore)

I just have to get this off my chest and really don't feel like putting it on my local bump board. Feel free to pay no attention to it.

Yes I'm really excited about this baby and I'm getting really impatient about it. Our families have been nothing but annoying the last couple days. I know they are excited too and can't wait to me him. That doesn't mean that I have to get 4 phone calls asking if I have gone into labor yet. Do they really think that I'm not going to call them when my water has broken. I love that they care but they are just overbearing right now. I can't control when he comes and I don't know when thats going to be. I made sure they all knew that we would let them know when there has been progress they just don't seem to believe me.

I also don't like my coworkers getting all up and arms with me walking the half mile to work to meet DH when he gets off work. I'm technically no longer on bed rest. The doctors wouldn't do anything to stop labor at this point so there is no real reason to be doing absolutely nothing anymore. There is no reason to tell me to stay on the couch and relax. I can't relax at this point because I'm too anxious for everything that is to come.

I do appreciate all the ladies on this board that keep me laughing and my spirits up by joking with me about going into labor. If you have read all this thank you. I appreciate everything that you ladies do to keep my spirits up.
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Re: Need to vent. (hormonal vent - feel free to ignore)

  • HUGS Ciaram. I know how you feel (somewhat). 

    We are already in a battle with our families. They call more than daily, and they can't seem to understand or respect our "no waiting in the hospital" rule. Sam doesn't need that kind of pressure when she's in labour thinking everyone is just sitting there anxiously for hours upon hours waiting for the baby to be born.

    It just means that they care. Everyone is so excited for you, although I totally know what you mean when you say you can't control when he comes. People just don't get it lol. I'm sure it's frustrating hearing 100x a day ARE YOU IN LABOUR YET???

    Sending labour vibes your way. Take care of yourself mama.
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • I can't relate to having a baby Ciara, but I can relate to annoying family members. I am sure the word will spread fast enough when it happens and everyone will be overjoyed to meet baby Edmund. Hang in there and take care of yourself.

  • Hugs to Ciara.  Just hang in there, it'll be a distant memory all too soon. 
  • Yeah, it gets annoying.  Thankdfully, I only went one day over my due date so I only had to put up with the "Are you still pregnant?" questions for the last week or so.  My family didn't pester me, just coworkers.  After a while I wanted to say, "Nope, not pregnant anymore.  This 25 pound basketball I'm carrying around is just fat."  ;-)

    Hang in there, mama!  It's almost over!

    Do you have someone on the boards that you'll be notifiying when you go into labor or will you post something yourself? Or are you just going to disappear and surprise us all? =-)
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
    "So I sing a song of love, Julia"

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  • sarabellamsarabellam member
    First Comment 5 Love Its Fifth Anniversary
    edited April 2011
    The next time they call and ask if you have gone into labor, tell them, "Oh, I had Edmund 2 days ago. Did we forget to call you?" As for the coworkers, remind them that exercise is good for expectant mothers.
  • b0710b0710 member
    First Comment
    Ciara, I was 10 days late with my son and I can totally feel your pain. I felt like if one more person gave me their "advice" on how to go into labor (as if I was keeping him in there on purpose) or asking me if I was feeling anything yet, etc. I thought I was going to explode!  Hang in there, it will all be worth it when you see that little bundle of joy.
  • Hang in there!

    And yeah, if your family can take it, I would totally take their next call and be like "Can I call you back?  I'm pushing right now."
  • Awww, I'm sorry. I've never been pregnant/waiting for a baby to arrive, but I had my own little hell waiting to find out whether or not I was getting this fellowship in DC (I did!), with Charlie constantly asking me whether I'd heard yet. Yeah, I heard, sweetie, I'm just sitting here on the Knot rather than running to tell my life partner this important life news, because I'm sadistic like that. Sometimes people have no sense.

    I kind of agree with coming up with comical answers to give people when they ask. Either that or ask them to stop asking, because it's making the wait harder for you too.
    Our Story MAJORLY UPDATED 8/6/09
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  • Tell them you're too busy jumping on the trampoline, working on bouncing Edmund out ;)

    Hang in there, girl!
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  • Need me to smack someone for you? I'll smack someone for you.

    Hang in there kiddo, (Edmund can come on out, you're the kiddo I'm speaking of) and tell people to suck it =) I agree with are we gonna know you're in labor?!
  • I have no advice for you, but *hugs*!  It will be over soon enough!
    BabyFruit Ticker
    Waiting to meet the baby broccoli on 5/5/2013!
  • I'm predicting today or tomorrow, then you can have a whole new round of assumptions and judgments from the people around you.  ;)  Hugs to you!
  • Aw Ciara, you're so close. Ditto the other ladies, hang in there. Family can be annoying and they're just really excited to welcome the newest member. It'll be over soon.
  • I understand how you feel, I'm not waiting for a baby - but I am waiting to hear from my insurance about something important.
    Anyway, I also understand your family (to a point) My H's sister had a baby almost 2 weeks ago, they only live an hour from us and we didn't find out that the baby had been born til 3 days afterwards. That made me feel like an awful aunt (it was her 3rd child, she was about a week late, and we didn't know if we would have a neice or nephew)
    So I was a bit ticked that it took that long for someone to pass on the good news (even though EVERYONE in the family knew...) Sorry to rant.
    Best of luck to you  :)
  • Hang in there mommies to be :).  Thoughts and prayers for safe deliveries. 

    Diane - I don't blame Sam one bit for not wanting a damn circus waiting for her to deliver.  That would drive me nuts too.  It is a special time for the two of you to share privately.  Your families will not die if they do not see your little one 10 minutes after she arrives. 

    Ciara - the walking is so good for you, especially when you are so close to delivering.  Keep it up and just ignore those fussbutts. 

    When I was out and about the day before I delivered my oldest, it hurt so damn bad to sit I stood all day, except when I was in the bathroom peeing every 5 minutes.  I was in denial that I was actually in labor - I still had 2 weeks according to the midwife LOL. 

  • It's almost over Ciara, try not to let it get to you too much.  I would probbably be going wih the sarcastic response, or just not answering my phone anymore.  

    Obviously I haven't been in your situation, but I know exactly how you feel about people asking when it will come.  We went through that forever with people asking about where we would get stationed, if I had a teaching job, etc.  I finally stopped answering phone calls and texts for a while.  It can be hard enough to do your own waiting, but when you have people constantly asking you the obvious questions it makes you want to scream.  
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
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