Wedding Etiquette Forum

A Tip About Gaps


Re: A Tip About Gaps

  • aragx6aragx6 member
    2500 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited January 2012
    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:e272cf29-11a4-40bc-bc9f-b9ef00572f5fPost:7ba5e478-ef17-4ae4-9790-69fd11f64130">Re: A Tip About Gaps</a>:
    [QUOTE]I don't know, maybe I'm just used to gaps.  I<strong> know that when there is one, my family always makes sure that there is somewhere for guests to go between, such as having an open house with food and drinks.</strong>  Hell, most of the time we wear one thing to church and then change into something jazzier for the reception.  Again, it's always indicated on the invitation and no one ever just says "Go amuse yourself for a few hours!" Look, if you can avoid the gap, please do.  If you can't, then provide for guests' comfort in between.  For the record, for all of you who get "wasted" during the gap, well, no one is plying you with booze.  You could pace yourself in a mature fashion.
    Posted by EaglesBride2012[/QUOTE]

    To me, that's not a gap. That's like a separate, super long, cocktail hour, and I have no problem with that.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: A Tip About Gaps</a>:
    [QUOTE]  You could pace yourself in a mature fashion.
    Posted by EaglesBride2012[/QUOTE]

    But that's no fun <img src="" border="0" alt="Tongue Out" title="Tongue Out" />
  • For some people there really is no solution to the gap. The only time for weddings here are 2 pm and 8 pm- period. If Catholic brides around here could change it we would, it's not the ideal situation. I think where it goes wrong is a) not letting people know the timing of events and/or b) not giving guests something to do or outlining some options of activities.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:e272cf29-11a4-40bc-bc9f-b9ef00572f5fPost:2b0dc6c6-7bd4-4ea1-ba8e-0f9019dadcb9">Re: A Tip About Gaps</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm not Catholic either- I have no problem sitting through an hour mass, but I think it can be confusing not knowing what to expect.  Of course I'm going to attend either way, but I would prepare myself mentally a little bit if I knew I would be sitting through an hour-long religious ceremony where I can't completely participate, vs. a 20 minute wedding that is more specifically focused on my friends and their marriage. <strong>For you ladies who did a full Catholic  mass, did you state that somehow on your invitations?</strong>  All the Catholic weddings I've attended, nobody has made the distinction on the invitation.  I don't even know if that's something that is appropriate or expected to do.  I'm just wondering if anybody does that and how you would phrase it.
    Posted by arrabelle[/QUOTE]

    Well our invitation stated where the ceremony was, which had "Catholic Church" in the name, so I guess that's about as much notice as we gave our guests?  I think if it's something you're particularly concerned about I'd do a little research (google the ceremony location to see what religion it is; ask the bride and groom, etc.)  Honestly I've never been concerned about what type of ceremony I'm walking into
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: A Tip About Gaps</a>:
    [QUOTE]For some people there really is no solution to the gap. The only time for weddings here are 2 pm and 8 pm- period. If Catholic brides around here could change it we would, it's not the ideal situation. I think where it goes wrong is a) not letting people know the timing of events and/or b) not giving guests something to do or outlining some options of activities.
    Posted by Serendipty11[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>Well they could just have the wedding at 2 and the reception right afterwards. There is no rule that receptions can only be held during dinner time. 

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: A Tip About Gaps</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: A Tip About Gaps : I'm not Catholic and I don't mind the length of the mass so much, but for some reason it really irks me when it's time for communion and the priest says "if you are Catholic, you can come take communion."  I can't tell you why it pisses me off, but it does.  It's telling me I can't do naturally, I do it.  I take communion at all catholic weddings (and funerals) when I'm specifically told not to.  I'm such a rebel.
    Posted by amys325[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>You're not a rebel, you're just disrespectful. And also 5 years old, if you're saying you just do it because you've been told not to.</div><div>
    </div><div>FWIW, I'm not religious at all, but I respect that other people are and try not to intentionally go against their beliefs in their own houses of worship.

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:e272cf29-11a4-40bc-bc9f-b9ef00572f5fPost:250c67f1-e5ad-447b-bbbc-42cf988b4d18">Re: A Tip About Gaps</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: A Tip About Gaps : Well our invitation stated where the ceremony was, which had "Catholic Church" in the name, so I guess that's about as much notice as we gave our guests?  <strong>I think if it's something you're particularly concerned about I'd do a little research (google the ceremony location to see what religion it is</strong>; ask the bride and groom, etc.)  Honestly I've never been concerned about what type of ceremony I'm walking into
    Posted by Kate61487[/QUOTE]
    This.  Or sometimes they will word the invitation along the lines of "witness the sacrament of marriage".  We didn't do anything special since we didn't have a mass but if we did include the mass, we would have worded our invites a little differently.  Although the exact wording escapes me at the moment.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: A Tip About Gaps</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: A Tip About Gaps : Well they could just have the wedding at 2 and the reception right afterwards. There is no rule that receptions can only be held during dinner time. 
    Posted by annakb8[/QUOTE]
    The only problem with this is that many places won't let you start that early. We picked a venue that would because I have many non catholics attending that would be confused and put off by the gap. I'm having to pay significantly more, but I knew my audience and felt it was worth it. For some there either is no venue that will accommodate that... or there could just be brides who want their evening reception no matter if there is a gap. I know I had good intentions so I like to pretend everyone else has them as well. 
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  • When I receive an invitation to a wedding at a Catholic church, I just assume it'll be a Nuptual Mass. I don't see anything particularly daunting about sitting for an hour, watching someone I love get married.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:e272cf29-11a4-40bc-bc9f-b9ef00572f5fPost:7b015150-ec54-478a-b6db-962943f85946">Re: A Tip About Gaps</a>:
    [QUOTE]Kate, some people do have just the short ceremony without the mass.  I've been to a couple like that, at church.  That's why Nuptial Mass is usually used in that situation. 
    Posted by EaglesBride2012[/QUOTE]

    Oh yeah, I know you can I just haven't ever really given much thought to it.  I guess I walk in assuming it'll be an hour and if it's shorter *happy surprise* haha

    My MOH asked us, in front of MIL, if we were having a full mass a few months before the wedding and MILs response was "Of COURSE they're having a full mass!!! It's a sacrament after all!!!"  I don't get quite to up-in-arms about it, but I think that reaction answered it for MOH; for us it really wasn't an option, haha
  • I mean, I don't really care about gaps. I've never been to a wedding that had one, but I don't think it would be a huge deal. I just think it's silly to say there aren't other options, because there are. If you don't want to take them, fine, but they are there. 

    I'm also being definsive about my afternoon non-meal time wedding. 
  • We had a Catholic wedding outside of Mass (no communion).  It lasted about 45 minutes.  Then we hosted light refreshments (sparkling water, flat water, white wine, champagne, fruits, crackers/cheese) at the church to fill up the hour gap between the end of the ceremony and the beginning of cocktail hour.  Then cocktail hour started with the full open bar and hot passed appetizers. 

    No one left my wedding feeling hungry or thirsty.  And no one felt like they had nowhere to go to "waste time" in between things.

    Oh, and Amy, I'm glad that you will be changing your practice.  I found your earlier statements very disrespectful.
  • Eagles, I am great at filling an empty chair.  So is H.  We're kind of pros.  Just FYI.
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  • Have any of your ever been to a Hindu Wedding?  Those ceremonies are about 3-4 hours long and all in Hindu.  Very cool ceremonies, but definitely long.

    You aren't expected to sit through it all though.  You just come and go as you please to get food or coffee and you can talk during it. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: A Tip About Gaps</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: A Tip About Gaps : The only problem with this is that many places won't let you start that early. We picked a venue that would because I have many non catholics attending that would be confused and put off by the gap. I'm having to pay significantly more, but I knew my audience and felt it was worth it. For some there either is no venue that will accommodate that... or there could just be brides who want their evening reception no matter if there is a gap. I know I had good intentions so I like to pretend everyone else has them as well. 
    Posted by Serendipty11[/QUOTE]

    <div>This is kind of what happened to us.  Originally, our ceremony was going to be at 3:00.  So ceremony from 3:00 - 4:00 or so, a few minutes for people to get out to their cars, etc, 20 minute drive to reception, then cocktail hour starting at 4:30.  But, there was a clause in our church contract that if a parish member booked that day and wanted the 3 pm ceremony time, we would be bumped to noon.  Which is what happened. And the reception venue wouldn't let us start earlier. </div><div>
    </div><div>Normally, the church doesn't even do weddings for non parish members, so they were already making an exception for us.  And they allowed us to use an outside priest too.  So since they were being so accommodating for us, we agreed to the condition on the ceremony time possibly changing (they only did weddings at noon and 3 pm on Saturdays). </div>
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:e272cf29-11a4-40bc-bc9f-b9ef00572f5fPost:06de94f4-06b8-4708-a38e-a200d1dd3531">Re: A Tip About Gaps</a>:
    [QUOTE]Have any of your ever been to a Hindu Wedding?  Those ceremonies are about 3-4 hours long and all in Hindu.  Very cool ceremonies, but definitely long. You aren't expected to sit through it all though.  You just come and go as you please to get food or coffee and you can talk during it. 
    Posted by amys325[/QUOTE]

    H and I went to our first Hindu engagement party this past year - it was very interesting the ritual of it all and how they negotiate the wedding date and such.  Basically it was an hour or so of apps, then an hour or so of ceremonial things, and then dinner.  The wedding is this coming summer, but it's in Detroit so I'm not sure if we'll be attending or not
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:e272cf29-11a4-40bc-bc9f-b9ef00572f5fPost:0db534d4-9a85-48b4-bb56-5f951d9d3765">Re: A Tip About Gaps</a>:
    [QUOTE]Anna, I think your wedding was lovely.  :)  I'll be honest, I've just lived in a world of "Saturday wedding mass + gap + evening reception" so that's what I know.  We're kind of bucking tradition by doing the Friday night and some people have hinted that they think it's odd.  Well, don't come then, no skin off my back. 
    Posted by EaglesBride2012[/QUOTE]

    This has been my wedding experience as well.  A wedding is an entire day thing....ceremony noon, bar/lunch at a local restaurant to kill time, reception at 5pm.
    Only one time did I go to a Catholic mass ceremony at around 1 and the reception started at 3pm and ended at midnight.  That was entirely too many hours of drinking.

    Just recently more and more of my friends have just had quick 15 minute ceremonies at the same venue as the reception and we just segway right into the cocktail hour. 
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:e272cf29-11a4-40bc-bc9f-b9ef00572f5fPost:327d4083-2bb2-4e4b-ade2-70a636ea7462">Re: A Tip About Gaps</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: A Tip About Gaps : H and I went to our first Hindu engagement party this past year - it was very interesting the ritual of it all and how they negotiate the wedding date and such.  Basically it was an hour or so of apps, then an hour or so of ceremonial things, and then dinner.  The wedding is this coming summer, but it's in Detroit so I'm not sure if we'll be attending or not
    Posted by Kate61487[/QUOTE]

    Not sure if your friends are North or South Indian.  Ours were one of each.  So they combined some of the traditions of both areas.  Sangeets are so much fun and the dancing is amazing.  Like I said, the ceremonies are very long, but it's interesting how formal, yet casual they are.  If you can go, I would recommend going.  They are awesome!

    And depending on how close you are to the bride, she will normally travel to India before the wedding to purchase Sari's for all of her closest friends. 
  • I guess I don't get why a 2pm or 3pm ceremony has to have a huge gap.

    FI's cousin had a Nuptual Mass at 2pm, then a 30 minute drive to the reception location, a 30 minute gap (which i think is okay) and then had a cocktail two hours instead of just one.  Reception started at 5 and I think dinner was served around 6. 

    We're having a 3pm ceremony which will be no more than 30 minutes, cocktail hour and a half and then start the reception at 5 with salad course starting at 5:30 or 6.  

    Its a LITTLE early too start eating, but we like it because it lets everyone spread their courses out and not feel rushed. And it gives plenty of time to dance after dinner without the reception going stupid late.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:e272cf29-11a4-40bc-bc9f-b9ef00572f5fPost:15ae3417-c5fe-4393-9519-5b2e5fe13e37">Re: A Tip About Gaps</a>:
    [QUOTE]I guess I don't get why a 2pm or 3pm ceremony has to have a huge gap. FI's cousin had a Nuptual Mass at 2pm, then a 30 minute drive to the reception location, a 30 minute gap (which i think is okay) and then had a cocktail two hours instead of just one.  Reception started at 5 and I think dinner was served around 6.  We're having a 3pm ceremony which will be no more than 30 minutes, cocktail hour and a half and then start the reception at 5 with salad course starting at 5:30 or 6.   Its a LITTLE early too start eating, but we like it because it lets everyone spread their courses out and not feel rushed. And it gives plenty of time to dance after dinner without the reception going stupid late.
    Posted by MyUserName1[/QUOTE]

    Same for us; we had a 3pm ceremony and a 5pm cocktail hour.  Catholic mass took us til 4; everyone exited the church while we signed the marriage license so we did our little exit around 4:10 or so, and the reception hall was 15 min away so our guests had to waste 30 min, but many milled around at the church chatting, so I don't know that they really even noticed.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: A Tip About Gaps</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: A Tip About Gaps : Same for us; we had a 3pm ceremony and a 5pm cocktail hour.  Catholic mass took us til 4; everyone exited the church while we signed the marriage license so we did our little exit around 4:10 or so, and the reception hall was 15 min away so our guests had to waste 30 min, but many milled around at the church chatting, so I don't know that they really even noticed.
    Posted by Kate61487[/QUOTE]

    <div>Also, with the cousin's wedding, many guests were staying at the hotel the reception was at and did check-in during the "gap"  Quite a few people (including us) were late to the cocktail hour(s) because of that.</div>
  • For some people there really are no options though. I considered not getting married in the Catholic church because I originally could find no place that would allow a venue rental for the length of time I would need in order to not have a gap. Here the Mass is at 2 pm and the reception doesn't usually end until 1 or 2 am. That is a long time, but it is the done thing around here. Trying to follow etiquette, the norm from how I was raised and the norm for this area is a friggin nightmare. 
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:e272cf29-11a4-40bc-bc9f-b9ef00572f5fPost:bf2fdd0e-bbc9-4ede-beb5-57393f2079df">Re: A Tip About Gaps</a>:
    [QUOTE]For some people there really are no options though. I considered not getting married in the Catholic church because I originally could find no place that would allow a venue rental for the length of time I would need in order to not have a gap. Here the Mass is at 2 pm and the reception doesn't usually end until 1 or 2 am. That is a long time, but it is the done thing around here. Trying to follow etiquette, the norm from how I was raised and the norm for this area is a friggin nightmare. 
    Posted by Serendipty11[/QUOTE]

    It's not proper etiquette, but if it's really the norm in your area to have a gap, then people are probably used to it.

    It's the norm where I grew up as well and everyone does it.  I had no idea gaps were against etiquette until I came to TK. 
  • I still can't get over the whole catholic thing. I wasn't raised catholic and I don't understand why I am EXPECTED to sit through a catholic mass because it is someone else's belief.
    I would do it for close friends and family, but when a distant relative or friend gets married, I don't think its necessary for me to sit through their catholic mass. I don't believe in the same things and I find it really uncomfortable to have to sit through something I don't believe in. 

    In my family and circle, many people don't go to the actual wedding and just go for the reception. My parents and I also never attended church for any of my cousin's christenings or first communions. Many of my mom's siblings converted to Catholocism later in life and raised their kids in the catholic church, but I was not, nor were either of my parents.

    I have to say that I know most of you aren't in agreement, but I don't think that you are considering the other side at all. I don't attend for religious reasons. 

    I also won't be offended or upset if people come to our reception and not our wedding. I don't get the big deal. We are celebrating a marraige, and that doesn't mean you have to witness the exchange of vows.

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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:e272cf29-11a4-40bc-bc9f-b9ef00572f5fPost:65a2c06c-f5ad-4162-88e7-fd5ff76ff101">Re: A Tip About Gaps</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: A Tip About Gaps : I was super fascinated by my FBIL and his wife's Greek Orthodox ceremony.  Luckily the priest knew that the groom's side was not Greek Orthodox, so he told us everytime we had to sit and stand.  
    Posted by yaga13[/QUOTE]

    In our case the bride was not but the groom was.  Greek that is.  Really Greek.  As in born in Greece.

    We just had some really nice older lady next to us who would nod when it was time to sit down.  I'm used to standing up for the processional, then the minister tells us to sit.  Well, the priest didn't tell us to sit, so I was like "WHAT DO WE DO!?!?!"
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:e272cf29-11a4-40bc-bc9f-b9ef00572f5fPost:60d05168-7706-4fd8-82d3-ea78d419ebab">Re: A Tip About Gaps</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: A Tip About Gaps : What the frig?  How about you do the bride and groom a favor and just skip the whole thing altogether.  I would be angry if someone came to the reception and said, "Sorry I missed your ceremony, but you know I don't believe in the Church.  This open bar kicks ass!" 
    Posted by EaglesBride2012[/QUOTE]

    Why would that make you angry? I just don't get it. I want to celebrate/party with my friends after we get married, but they don't need to witness my vow for me to want to celebrate with them.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:e272cf29-11a4-40bc-bc9f-b9ef00572f5fPost:60d05168-7706-4fd8-82d3-ea78d419ebab">Re: A Tip About Gaps</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: A Tip About Gaps : What the frig?  How about you do the bride and groom a favor and just skip the whole thing altogether.  I would be angry if someone came to the reception and said, "Sorry I missed your ceremony, but you know I don't believe in the Church.  This open bar kicks ass!" 
    Posted by EaglesBride2012[/QUOTE]

    Everything that Pheagles says.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: A Tip About Gaps</a>:
    [QUOTE]I still can't get over the whole catholic thing. I wasn't raised catholic and I don't understand why I am EXPECTED to sit through a catholic mass because it is someone else's belief.   I would do it for close friends and family, but when a distant relative or friend gets married, I don't think its necessary for me to sit through their catholic mass. I don't believe in the same things and I find it really uncomfortable to have to sit through something I don't believe in.  In my family and circle, many people don't go to the actual wedding and just go for the reception. My parents and I also never attended church for any of my cousin's christenings or first communions. Many of my mom's siblings converted to Catholocism later in life and raised their kids in the catholic church, but I was not, nor were either of my parents. I have to say that I know most of you aren't in agreement, but I don't think that you are considering the other side at all. I don't attend for religious reasons.  I also won't be offended or upset if people come to our reception and not our wedding. I don't get the big deal. We are celebrating a marraige, and that doesn't mean you have to witness the exchange of vows.
    Posted by Callmefia[/QUOTE]

    Wow really?

    Someone just showing up to the reception would really bother me, the ceremony is 'the wedding', the rest is just icing on the top.  You don't get to eat the frosting and throw away the cake. Does it go the other way around? can my Christian family just ditch my secular ceremony because they don't agree with our faith (or lack thereof).  It's not like you're being asked to pray, take communion, etc., it's just a matter of sitting there for an hour, watching something beautiful that comes from a tradition you may or may not agree with.  If your friend wanted to watch a movie you didn't really care for, but it was really important to her, you would probably do it, right? It's like that, except the wedding is shorter than a movie, and one of the most important days of a persons life. 
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:e272cf29-11a4-40bc-bc9f-b9ef00572f5fPost:cbca010a-a889-455f-9b02-7f3080bc4f66">Re: A Tip About Gaps</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: A Tip About Gaps : Why?  Because it's not just a party, dude.  It's a celebration of their vows, which you want no parts of .  Look, I'm not going to change your mind so I won't try, but I think it's pretty assy, and if someone pulled that at my wedding you can bet I'd reevaluate that friendship. 
    Posted by EaglesBride2012[/QUOTE]
    Yep this!

    I get that it's not your cup of tea but why should it be - it's <em>their </em>wedding.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:e272cf29-11a4-40bc-bc9f-b9ef00572f5fPost:0cbff143-8403-4406-a732-ffb678aa419b">Re: A Tip About Gaps</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: A Tip About Gaps : Not the same thing.[/QUOTE]
    Unless her entire parish decides to switch to Roman Catholicism. Which, they can do, including the married priest, fully authorized by the Vatican since 2009.
    [QUOTE]  Catholics believe in <strong>transubstatiation,</strong> the idea that the host and wine actually become the body and blood of Christ.  They don't "stand for" anything.   As far as I'm aware Episcopalians do not have this belief.[/QUOTE]
    The belief in<strong> transubstantiation</strong> (I am assuming that is what you meant) is not codified in the Episcopal church; rather, it is left up to the individual.
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