Wedding Etiquette Forum

Dry Wedding?

My FI and I have respected that most of the both sides of our families frown upon the consumption of alcohol around them. We're not big drinkers anyways. But now our younger guests such as my sister and BIL are not happy with the idea of a dry wedding and we know we shouldn't please them. So I compromised just having a champagne toast but they seem iffy about it. Do you think its fair just to have a champagne toast?
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Re: Dry Wedding?

  • As long as the guests don't have to pay for anything themselves (ie: you don't have a cash bar), then it will be "fair."  People are not entitled to alcohol at your wedding.   If you can afford to provide a champagne toast, then do a champagne toast.

    A few other options are serving only beer and wine with dinner, or having a signature cocktail.    
  • Why is it any of their business if or what kind of alcohol you will be serving?  Alcohol is not required to have a wedding!  A champagne toast would be more than generous if YOU WANT it.  I would be more concerned about the majority of the family, and not two bratty young adults.
  • I agree with Cortney.  They are being rude by suggesting that you HAVE to have alcohol.  It's perfectly acceptable to not have any alcohol if that is what you wish. Next time they mention it, simply say that this was the decision the two of you made and that's final. Then change the subject and don't let them bring it up again.
  • I agree with the above posters.

    If you think a lot of your guests are enthusiastic drinkers, consider having the wedding reception at a time when people don't expect to drink as much, such as brunch, the afternoon or Sunday evening.
  • It's fine.  I agree with PPs that your sister and BIL are being bratty.  
  • I agree with the above posters. We had a dry wedding. A few guests made mention of it, but we provided plenty of beverage options. It worked out fine.
  • Not every party needs alcohol. As the hosts, you have the right to provide whatever you like for guests to drink. If that means only soft drinks, then that is just fine.
  • Some guests may also leave early, or be hesitant to dance without alcohol.  Some may even threaten not to come.  Let them.  That means the people who do come are there because they love you and your FI, and are happy for you, not because they can mooch free booze.
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