Wedding Etiquette Forum

e-pics are in, and we don't like them that much

we just got our e-pics

FI thinks he looks fat and stupid, and I hate my hair/huge forehead/glasses/gap in teeth in 90% of the shots

I'm a bit disappointed because we're spending a shit-ton (in my opinion anyway) on this photographer, I wish she would have suggested taking my glasses off, untucking my hair from behind my ears, try smiling with my mouth closed for a few (stupid teeth)...

i'm not blaming it on her, I just wish she would have spoken up a little...  or maybe i just have major self-esteem issues

anyone else here have that experience with their e-pics/wedding pics?  (that you didn't like them 100%)?


Re: e-pics are in, and we don't like them that much

  • Yeah, and I wish I'd ditched our photographer. He was a mess on our wedding day too, but for totally different reasons. Are you stuck with the photographer?
  • I didn't like the majority of my e-pics either. I had shiny grease face in most of them, and there are some weird double chin angles in a few. We actually ended up switching photogs, so I didn't buy any. I also just like my wedding pics (I don't love them), so I'm hard to please, apparently.
  • Contact her and voice your disappointment! A photographer worth her salt will offer a reshoot :)
  • it's hard to say without seeing them...

    my fi was not so happy with a few of them he said he looked fat and bald...

    i felt my hair was really frizzy (it was sooooo humid) but I have gotten a lot of compliments on them so I left it as - i was being too critical of myself

    i have a few in my bio if you want to see

    Sept 2011 Siggy Challenge: Favorite Ceremony Photo Anniversary


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  • No.  I loved my photos.  Sorry to hear that.

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  • Aww, I'm sorry you're not happy with them.

    I would definitely bring up your concerns with your photographer before the wedding. Just mention to her that you would like to make sure you get some shots without your glasses, smiling with your mouth closed, etc. There's no reason to hire an expensive photographer and not be 100% happy with the photos.
    **i'm a little drunk on you and high on summertime** Photobucket
  • That's so sad. Take a break and look at them again later. Maybe there are some that aren't as bad as you think and maybe there are some you can crop.

    I'm sure you look beautiful! Also think about the fun it was to have prof pics taken of you and FI!
  • yeah i'd say we're stuck, we paid a $1000 deposit

    I told FI that photography was VERY important to me, so I was willing to cut back on other stuff so that we had nice pics... now it's like.. ugh..

    so far I only have about 12 proofs, so I'm waiting to get the CD before I talk to her about it, I hope there's more salvageable ones on it

    jess I think your engagement pics are super cute, I really like the black and white one

    I'll give you guys some examples of one I'm unhappy with:

    and this one makes me laugh, because it looks like he's "happy" to see me... seriously, didn't she notice this?

  • edited August 2010
    I didn't like most of our engagement pictures either, but I think it had more to do with me being insecure about the way I looked in them.  She did a fantastic job of taking pictures, effects, etc, but the one thing I hated was she kept pressing us to smile bigger.  H had the cheesiest grin on his face because of this and I felt like my smile was too fake.  I much prefer our more natural smiles and candid shots.  Our wedding photographer was different and did a fantastic job getting natural shots of us. 
  • i liked about 5 of our e-pics and loved 2 of them (one in my sig) which isn't a very high percentage. i did love all of my photographers ideas and none of them made me think WTF REALLY? i just didn't like i had a double chin or my sash was crooked or my hair was in my face...not really my photographers fault, although i wish he would have mentioned it.

    i have only seen 10 of my wedding pics so far but i LOVE each and every one of them. i noticed that was the case with most of my photographers work though. his e-pics were good, but his wedding pics were AMAZING.

    your pics look pretty amateur. did you look at a lot of her work before booking her? if there is anyway to back out i would. if you can't then definitely express to her what you are unhappy with.

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  • Voice your opinion to your photographer... display your concerns... You might have to let her know what kind of poses, pictures you want on your wedding day.  If you can refer her to other photographer websites... 

    If she won't do a re-shoot, ask for you money back, it's not worth it... start looking for a new photographer for your wedding if you have time!

    "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart." ~ Miss K ~
  • Yes, I definitely looked at her work before, tons and tons of it, and the pics she has on her website were amazing!  I just don't get it at all.

    She was even the official photog for a major radio station in ottawa for one of their wedding contests. 

    I'm glad it's not just me (and FI) being too picky.  I just need to muster up the courage to talk to her. 
  • I'd wait till you get the full CD before you talk with her. Sounds like you just have a small sample right now and her idea of what looks good "artistically" might not match the ones that you're most happy with.

    My ex- and I got about 1,000 proofs from my first wedding. I was SO disappointed the first time I went through them because there were so many where I thought I looked awful. But when we went through them seriously to choose the pics for the book, we had the hardest time getting the good ones down to a reasonable number. WIth 1,000 pics, sure there's going to be a ton where I looked bad -- but also a ton where I looked good!

    I'm sure you don't have 1,000 engagement pics, but still... wait till you see the whole thing and then go from there.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:ec300947-6420-49e7-a2e5-19833545d26dPost:2114cd5a-7dd1-42bc-89d3-8de2842a518e">Re: e-pics are in, and we don't like them that much</a>:
    [QUOTE]<strong>Also, keep in mind that your photographer isn't a stylist.  She isn't going to tell you to fix your hair, take off your glasses, forehead.  She also isn't going to tell your FI that he looks fat or to close your mouth to cover the gap in your teeth as that could potentially be very offensive.</strong>  I think you need to keep these things in mind and choose hairstyles and/or ways of smiling that cover up the things you don't like. ***I want to note that I am not calling out any of your flaws, just simply reiterating the things you mentioned in your initial post*** However, I do agree with MissIntentional that the pics don't look very professional -- have you seen her other work?  Regarding the quality, I would definitely address those issues with her.
    Posted by jholbel[/QUOTE]

    You're absolutely right.

    I guess I'm thinking of the maternity/newborn photog we had.  She physically got in and placed my hair, arranged our hands, arranged our bodies, to be the most visually appealing.  We didn't take her to be our wedding photog because we thought our personalities would clash during the day (FI didn't like her).

    I'm really afraid of offending her, because if I do, and I can't get my money back, we'll be stuck with a photog on our wedding day that hates our guts.

    I think she's capable of gorgeous shots, her website is amazing which is the whole reason I picked her.  I'll take your suggestions and voice my concerns to her, and I'll see what happens from there.  I'm so nervous about it though.  :(
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:ec300947-6420-49e7-a2e5-19833545d26dPost:20884d39-5c50-40f4-bf0f-a09ca6fb47ab">Re: e-pics are in, and we don't like them that much</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'd wait till you get the full CD before you talk with her. Sounds like you just have a small sample right now and her idea of what looks good "artistically" might not match the ones that you're most happy with. My ex- and I got about 1,000 proofs from my first wedding. I was SO disappointed the first time I went through them because there were so many where I thought I looked awful. But when we went through them seriously to choose the pics for the book, we had the hardest time getting the good ones down to a reasonable number. WIth 1,000 pics, sure there's going to be a ton where I looked bad -- but also a ton where I looked good! I'm sure you don't have 1,000 engagement pics, but still... wait till you see the whole thing and then go from there.
    Posted by tenofcups4me[/QUOTE]

    I think you're right, I should probably get it in a week.  Thanks!
  • I was going to say exactly what Jholbel said. One of my best friends is a wedding photographer, and she's had clients who looked like they just rolled out of bed for their photo sessions. Obviously she thinks they'd look better if they straightened their hair or tucked a shirt in, but she's not going to say that to them because they're THEIR photos - they choose how they want to look.

    That said, I agree that the two you posted look more like nice snapshots - that's something I would bring up with her, using specific examples of photos you liked on her website and the effects you see there that aren't in your pictures.
  • Yikes those look... not so great. The skin tones are really green! And Yuck on the chopped limbs :/ Usually the sneak preview shots are their best...
    Are you near me? I'll shoot you!

  • I was going to say the same thing that was posted above. Your photographer isn't there to comb your hair and tell you to take your glasses off. I'd hope if you had underwear showing or something on your teeth theyd tell you that- but honestly I didn't think your photo's were bad of the ones you posted!!! But if you are truely unhappy- definitely talk to them about it!!
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:ec300947-6420-49e7-a2e5-19833545d26dPost:9b8f04cd-de14-4994-90a7-e93adc91fa44">Re: e-pics are in, and we don't like them that much</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yikes those look... not so great. The skin tones are really green! And Yuck on the chopped limbs :/ Usually the sneak preview shots are their best... Are you near me? I'll shoot you!
    Posted by Belle2Be[/QUOTE]

    I'm about 8 hours + away from you.  :(

    God, I hope hope hope that the pics on the CD are better.  Some of the samples she showed me are really small and hard to look at (because she put them in a guest book thingy she was trying to sell me).  So maybe on larger scale they're nicer.

    I don't want to sound like I'm hating on her, I do have lots of respect for pro-photogs - I'd actually be one if I could afford to. 

    And I actually tried to look nice, and not like I "rolled out of bed", LOL.  But it was super humid that day and the humidity made my hair frizz out so bad. 

    I can't blame her for my hair, but one thing I forgot to mention was she was the one who told me to tuck it behind my ear.  (for one shot where FI is holding me in the air and I'm looking down at him).  But she never told me to untuck, and I know that with my forehead - tucked hair does not pretty make.  Oh well....
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: e-pics are in, and we don't like them that much</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: e-pics are in, and we don't like them that much : I'm about 8 hours + away from you.  :( God, I hope hope hope that the pics on the CD are better.  Some of the samples she showed me are really small and hard to look at (because she put them in a guest book thingy she was trying to sell me).  So maybe on larger scale they're nicer. I don't want to sound like I'm hating on her, I do have lots of respect for pro-photogs - I'd actually be one if I could afford to.  And I actually tried to look nice, and not like I "rolled out of bed", LOL.  But it was super humid that day and the humidity made my hair frizz out so bad.  I can't blame her for my hair, but one thing I forgot to mention was she was the one who told me to tuck it behind my ear.  (for one shot where FI is holding me in the air and I'm looking down at him).  But she never told me to untuck, and I know that with my forehead - tucked hair does not pretty make.  Oh well....
    Posted by xyrius[/QUOTE]

    It's not even just your hair or whatever, you guys look great, honestly. But stuff like posing, your hands are awkward,  and in general the poses are a little too posey, if that makes sense.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:ec300947-6420-49e7-a2e5-19833545d26dPost:fa799fda-0a60-45b6-a6c9-fb696f77a8fa">Re: e-pics are in, and we don't like them that much</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: e-pics are in, and we don't like them that much : It's not even just your hair or whatever, you guys look great, honestly. But stuff like posing, your hands are awkward,  and in general the poses are a little too posey, if that makes sense.
    Posted by Belle2Be[/QUOTE]

    yep, it makes total sense.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:ec300947-6420-49e7-a2e5-19833545d26dPost:58330853-4eba-4359-ba56-cb3dc946e0c3">Re: e-pics are in, and we don't like them that much</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: e-pics are in, and we don't like them that much : <strong>Ask to see a whole wedding (or two) that she has shot,</strong> not just the highlights that she placed online.  Anyone can find 5-10 good photos to post online when there are hundreds to pick from. I'm sorry you don't like your photos.  Just be honest with her and hopefully she'll be willing to do them again or let you out of your contract.
    Posted by ILoveMilkDuds[/QUOTE]

    Her website actually has full samples of weddings from beginning to end, albums of about 600 photos each.  I've looked at about 5 or 6 of them (I have no life) before I booked her.  She seriously was amazing.

    That's why I don't get it.  The only explanation I can kind of see is that FI and I are super unphotogenic.  Maybe she just can't work miracles, lol.
  • emilyinchileemilyinchile member
    First Comment
    edited August 2010
    Just for the record, I wasn't at all meaning to say you look like you rolled out of bed! I only mentioned that to give the example that even when some people have looked like that, my friend hasn't said anything because she didn't feel like it was her place.

    Sorry if that wasn't clear before that I most definitely wasn't talking about you guys :/
  • Anyway, enough whining from me.  I'll update you all when I get the CD and hopefully I'll be happier.  I just needed to get that off my chest because I was feeling a bit down.

    Your advice really helps, thanks.  I'm going to be talking to her after I get the CD.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:ec300947-6420-49e7-a2e5-19833545d26dPost:bbbcddaf-3936-44e7-baf5-1fdbf6604003">Re: e-pics are in, and we don't like them that much</a>:
    [QUOTE]Just for the record, I wasn't at all meaning to say you look like you rolled out of bed! I only mentioned that to give the example that even when some people have looked like that, my friend hasn't said anything because she didn't feel like it was her place. Sorry if that wasn't clear before that I most definitely wasn't talking about you guys :/
    Posted by emilyinchile[/QUOTE]

    No worries, I didn't take it like that... I was just kidding around.  :)
  • We switched photogs after our e-pics for the same reason - they weren't very flattering for us, and the photographer didn't seem to give us any cues on how to make them moreso (seriously, there was a huge chuck of grass on my heel in one.  You think he'd notice that!) We are so glad we did, our new one was SO much better.

    If I wanted to hear the pitter-patter of little feet, I'd put shoes on the cat. image

  • i agree w/ the suggestion to show her pics SHE took that you loved.
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  • fwiw nugget i actually find your e-pics adorable

    or are those e-pics on your bio from the new photog?
  • I disliked my e-pics.  We did a 3-hour shoot and maybe got 1 or 2 good ones.

    Fortunately we hadn't paid for the wedding yet, and were able to book my top pick photographer (who is a LOT more expensive) at only 3 months out!

    We originally decided to be "cheap" on photography, but after seeing such bad e-pics, we decided it was worth spending more (and the photographer we have now is AWESOME - he's done 6 of my friend's weddings!!)
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:ec300947-6420-49e7-a2e5-19833545d26dPost:bd9b73b7-cb38-40fb-b01d-1f2ffb146e17">Re: e-pics are in, and we don't like them that much</a>:
    [QUOTE]i agree w/ the suggestion to show her pics SHE took that you loved.
    Posted by MissIntentional[/QUOTE]

    I like that suggestion, thank you.  If we keep her for our wedding that's what we'll do.  It'd be insulting to her to show her other photogs pics I think.  and, well, I did hire her for a reason...
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