Wedding Etiquette Forum

Ceremony Saunter

Hey ladies! I'm researching ceremony musicians (I want a quartet) and that got me thinking... what song did/are your bridesmaids walk down the aisle to and what song did you walk/are walking down the aisle to? I was debating being unconventional and not doing "Here comes the bride". This one group I contacted is VERY talented and had "Palladio" in their repetoir and I imagined myself walking down the aisle to it and IO burst into tears (yes, pathetic. I blame lack of sleep and raging horomones)
Thoughts? Opinions?
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Re: Ceremony Saunter

  • BMs walked down to "In Thee Is Gladness" by Bach, and I did the fairly traditional Prince of Denmark's March.  We had an organist and a trumpeter.

    Here Comes the Bride is not really all that popular anymore, IMO.  Our venue forbade us from using it, actually.
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  • salt78salt78 member
    Here Comes the Bride is conventional nowadays?

    I walked down the aisle to an Enya song. 
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  • oooh Salt! I <3 Enya. Her Watermark album will probably always be my favorite.
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  • BM's- two Disney songs
    Me- Canon in D

    Cliche? Maybe. But I loved them.

    I couldn't hear Canon in D before my wedding without tearing up. I'm a crybaby, though.
  • My friend is a big Sufjan Stephens fan and I was hoping she'd walk down the aisle to "The Dress Looks Nice on You", I thought it would have been really pretty. She walked down to some other nice song though.
  • I'm walking down to "here comes the sun" from the beatles.
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  • I have a guitar/flute duo so these will just be instrumental:

    Bridesmaids - In My Life - Beatles
    Me - Here Comes the Sun - Beatles
    Recessional - Two of Us - Beatles
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  • haha M&R good choice :)
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  • salt78salt78 member
    edited July 2010
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Ceremony Saunter</a>:
    [QUOTE]oooh Salt! I <3 Enya. Her Watermark album will probably always be my favorite.
    Posted by sep72fendr[/QUOTE]

    <div>I love Watermark too. We used Caribbean Blue from Shepherd Moon though. It was perfect for our destination location. </div><div>
    </div><div>There was seriously not a dry eye when the music started. It was one of my favorite songs when I was little too, so I cried the whole way down the aisle. </div>
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Ceremony Saunter</a>:
    [QUOTE]My friend is a big Sufjan Stephens fan and I was hoping she'd walk down the aisle to "The Dress Looks Nice on You", I thought it would have been really pretty. She walked down to some other nice song though.
    Posted by nda_roxybabe[/QUOTE]

    WOW!  I love Sufjan!!  I never even thought about this song.  Hmmm...going to re-think my music selection.  Time to go through my CD collection.
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  • I'm going traditional (and I know some people hate it, but I think it's beautiful) for the BMs and doing Canon in D. But an acoustic guitar version. Then I'm walking down to Little Martha by the Allman Brothers. It's not all that well known a song so here's a link if you wanna listen:
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
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    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ceremony Saunter : WOW!  I love Sufjan!!  I never even thought about this song.  Hmmm...going to re-think my music selection.  Time to go through my CD collection.
    Posted by M&R7111[/QUOTE]

    Do it! I really want someone to, I think its perfect for that.
  • I haven't decided for my BM's but I want to walk down the aisle to "At Last" by Etta James. We've been together 8 years and think it will be cute and get a couple chuckles from our families.
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  • BM's and I walked down to the same song because we had such a small ceremony.  It was Yiruma's Love Me, and our recessional was Yiruma- It's Your Day.
  • BMs will likely be Canon in D.

    I'm walking down to a live instrumental version of "In My Life." (Beatles)
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  • I don't know about the BMs yet.  I want to walk to the wedding march from Marriage of Figaro.
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  • my BMs walked down to Trumpet Voluntary. it had no special meaning to me whatsoever... my coordinator and I picked it out from a list of random wedding music a week earlier.

    I walked down to Canon in D, but it was a Rockapella remix. it was all voice, no instrumental. it was very cool.

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  • we're having a classical guitar and cello play 3 different Phish songs.  Not sure that helps you,though.
  • oooh pooh! I like that! very sweet!
    parker- yes it does. i wanted to pick everyone's brains on what they chose because each person is different. im having a very formal wedding and i wanted to keep it to a classical style feel, but at the same time do something that's a little "me".

    In case no one remembers what "Palladio" is, it's that song from the DeBeers commercial with the shadows and jewelry.
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  • TheCranberryTheCranberry member
    edited July 2010
    Palladio is from the Diamond is Forever commercials too right?  That's what I thought of when I looked it up.

    I want to do Canon in D for me because it always makes me tear up, but I am still on the hunt for bridesmaids songs.  I'm going to ask my friend, a professional violinist to play, so if anyone has suggestions for solo violin songs that would be great!

    ETA:  Do people think Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven is too depressing/melancholy?  I've always loved that piece.
  • I personally love Moonlight Sonata, but I'm a Beethoven fan. I think it would be good for BMs walk for an evening winter ceremony.
    I iz not Bridezilla.imageI iz Veloceraptor!

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  • At the moment, I'm thinking the VSQ versions of

    The FInal Countdown for the Bridesmaids
    Don't Stop Believin' For me
    Another One Bites the Dust for the recessional.

    Is that unconventional enough?! LOL!
  • oooh I Love another one bites the dust for the recessional!  we wanted renegade by styx but our musician doesn't have time to learn it
  • Thanks, Sep72fendr.  Now I am obsessively youtubing videos.  I'm a Beethoven fan as well.  I love Ode to Joy too.  Geez, now I have too many songs. 

    I'm realizing that my fave part of Canon in D is about 2 minutes in.  I'm wondering if I can have my friend shorten it somehow so I can walk in to that part?  I know she dabbles in music composition so she may be able to do something like that.

    And of course I have tears in my eyes.  Maybe I should choose something not too emotional.  I don't want to be a blubbering fool before the ceremoney even starts!
  • As long as you have good make up, water proof mascara and your MOH has a hankie on hand, blubber away. It's your party and you can cry if you want to ;-)
    I iz not Bridezilla.imageI iz Veloceraptor!

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  • LOOOVE the "Here comes the sun" idea but I'm thinking "Elsa's Procession to the Cathedral" by Wagner
  • My MOH and I both walked down the aisle to Claire de Lune by Debussy. Most people have never heard of it, but my father used to play it on the piano and it was in honor of him that I played it.

    Funny story. DH had downloaded all the music on his Ipod, and he handed the remote to the reverend to get it cued up before I came down. The Rev. hit the wrong button, and it started playing "Crazy Bitch" by Buckcherry. My DH was scrambling to get the remote from him to change it. I didn't find out until after the ceremony.

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  • I love Claire de Lune! I actually walked down the aisle to something my Dad and I used to play as a duet: the Romanza from Eine Kleine Nachtmusik.

    Our Moms walked in to "The Gift of Love" out of the UMC hymnal, and the BMs walked in to Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring.

    And kd, I love that story. Hilarious.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:eda0f7c1-8c29-4208-a2fc-53782ee2dfb7Post:7bf9c981-1e00-40ff-832f-bdfb47afaf62">Re: Ceremony Saunter</a>:
    [QUOTE]I love Claire de Lune! I actually walked down the aisle to something my Dad and I used to play as a duet: the Romanza from Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. Our Moms walked in to "The Gift of Love" out of the UMC hymnal, and the BMs walked in to Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring. And kd, I love that story. Hilarious.
    Posted by opalsky007[/QUOTE]

    What's really funny is I was relating that story to my girlfriend the other day, and she reminded me that that was the ring tone he had for me for quite awhile. I completely forgot, so I guess it was meant to

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  • My brother is going to be playing Anyone Else But You on his guitar for me to walk down the aisle.
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