Wedding Etiquette Forum

Saturday night.


Re: Saturday night.

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Saturday night.</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Saturday night. : Yes, and this.  I make mine super detailed and leave them out all the time because they're also my emergency sub plans, have my reading groups and times broken down, etc.  Do y'all do the Common Board?  That is basically the lesson plans, IMO, so I think it's sort of redundant to have to have typed lesson plans visible, but I can understand legalities.  I had an injury in my room years ago and the first thing I was asked for was a hard copy of my lesson plans.
    Posted by Mrs.B6302007[/QUOTE]
    Never heard of the Common Board. What is it?
  • Damn, I thought I'd be done with these detailed as hell lesson plans when I graduate.
  • Not anymore. I hate how much paper I have to use to print out lesson plans. We were told that they have to be printed out and not digital. We can turn them in as digital, but they have to see it when they walk in. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Saturday night.</a>:
    [QUOTE]Did anyone see this? <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> The part about the baby makes me sad, but the part about letting school out early pisses me the fuuck off. Why would you jeopardize those childrens' lives?
    Posted by aleighk1[/QUOTE]

    <div>It is a miracle that little angel survived. I agree with you the schools should have kept the children inside and safe instead of sending them outside with a tornado warning. God bless the bus drivers who saved them. </div>
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  • We're watching Rambo III. So far I am highly entertained.

    I'm also editing my book. Earlier I finished grading so I have free time to work on my stuff for once.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Saturday night.</a>:
    [QUOTE]We're watching Rambo III. So far I am highly entertained. I'm also editing my book. Earlier I finished grading so I have free time to work on my stuff for once.
    Posted by Seshat411[/QUOTE]

    <div>How is your class going? It's online right?</div>
  • The way I've got it broken down, I spend between about 15-20 minutes depending on the chore (living room night gets closer to 30 minutes since there's steam mopping involved).  My cleaning involves quick dusting, dust mopping or vacuuming (we have only one carpeted room), and a light mopping with the Freedom mop (similar to Swiffer Wet Jet).  Super detailed cleaning (light fixtures, trash cans, etc) happen on the Fly Lady's challenges.  So that's just one more little thing in addition to my schedule.  It also doesn't take too long to clean because we've decluttered TONS of stuff.  When there's not much on top of the dressers or bookcases, it can go fast.  We also put out our "hot spots" each night: mine is the kitchen table because that's my "office".  His is the table in the office.

    Monday-master bedroom and BB's room
    Tuesday -flexible
    Wednesday - office
    Thursday-living/dining (it's a great room); steam mop the tile there and in kitchen
    Friday - bathrooms and vacuum stairs and landing

    Daily - dining/kitchen lightweight Dirt Devil  and use the Freedom Mop; wipe down counters
    Daily -swish and swipe in bathrooms (toilet and sink/counter wipe down)

    Laundry (one load daily)
    Tuesday - diapers
    Wednesday - towels
    Thursday - lights
    Friday - darks
    Saturday - diapers
    Sunday -Baby Bee's clothes
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
    "So I sing a song of love, Julia"

    BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Saturday night.</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Saturday night. : Never heard of the Common Board. What is it?
    Posted by teachermegs[/QUOTE]

    Marzano related.   You list the learning goal and specific scales on how the kids will measure their learning.  For EVERY lesson of the day.  I have to use an entire 1/3 of my white board to get mine to fit.
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
    "So I sing a song of love, Julia"

    BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:fae84900-c3df-4cce-ad84-7a03b16fa443Post:4c8f76c5-7656-48ad-bf6b-9060197f8871">Re: Saturday night.</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Saturday night. : How is your class going? It's online right?
    Posted by aleighk1[/QUOTE]

    It's going really well. I'm enjoying it, even though it takes a lot of time. Mostly my fault, since I spend so much time giving feedback rather than just a grade. But, it's awesome seeing how they have progressed, actually using that feedback in their stories.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Saturday night.</a>:
    [QUOTE]What book did you read, Mrs. B?
    Posted by mrs.jesse[/QUOTE]

    Child of the Mist.  Scottish highland setting in the 1500s.  It was kind of predictable but I still enjoyed it because it was a bit lighter and quicker than Outlander.  I never did finish that series and really want to but I need to do it when I can really devote the time. I have them all on the Kindle but I'll probably have to wait for summer.
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
    "So I sing a song of love, Julia"

    BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!

  • Believe me, they appreciate your feedback. I hate getting a grade lower than 100 and not knowing why.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Saturday night.</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Saturday night. : Marzano related.   You list the learning goal and specific scales on how the kids will measure their learning.  For EVERY lesson of the day.  I have to use an entire 1/3 of my white board to get mine to fit.
    Posted by Mrs.B6302007[/QUOTE]
    That sounds like a pain in the ass. We have out objectives posted. I have also went to Mac because of Bill Gate and how he is "helping" teachers in our district. 
  • Hi!

    We went out for BBQ and bowling, then H got called from the hospital and is working on the computer.  I'm full of sangria and beer.  Yum.
  • edited March 2012
    What a lackluster Saturday for me. I spent all day working on homework and cuddling the dog. FI has a friend over to watch some college basketball games, I think that means it's time for me to trade in the books for beer.

    edited: I can't create sentences. My brain is fried.
  • I'm so over unpacking.  Can I just leave the rest of my stuff in boxes, please?
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Saturday night.</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm so over unpacking.  Can I just leave the rest of my stuff in boxes, please?
    Posted by mica178[/QUOTE]

    <div>Yes, yes you can.</div>
  • Hi, ladies!

    I'm sitting here waiting VERY impatiently for my red velvet brownies to cool enough to slather them in cream cheese frosting so I can devour a few and ruin all the days I've been good and watched what I'm eating this week. New recipe, and they smell AWESOME ... they're super moist.
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  • Mrs.B6302007Mrs.B6302007 member
    Seventh Anniversary 5000 Comments 25 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited March 2012
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Saturday night.</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Saturday night. : That sounds like a pain in the ass. We have out objectives posted. I have also went to Mac because of Bill Gate and how he is "helping" teachers in our district. 
    Posted by teachermegs[/QUOTE]

    I just realized you're in WFL.  I'm in CFL so I'm really surprised that we're not doing the same thing.  Everything my district says is "Tallahassee this" and "Tallahassee that" and "National Standards are coming".

    ETA: Not that Marzano and the common board are part of the Nat'l Standards.  I'm would just figure that since we're heading to common standards, that Tall would adopt a common/statewide evaluation system, too.
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
    "So I sing a song of love, Julia"

    BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!

  • My mission thisonth is to declutter. Half the stuff in our house we do not need.
  • That's a good goal.
  • Hi ladies, whoever is left.  I intended to clean today but didn't do much.  I did get all my laundry put away which is one of my least favorite things.

    And I also had to form a contraption to go over our stove vent exhaust on the side of the house.  I knew I freaking heard birds in there, and today I caught one coming out.  Damn thing was trying to make a nest in there!  I am quite impressed with the contraption I came up with though.  I'm sure H will come home and want to chage it immediately.  By that point birds won't be trying to nest though so it probably won't matter.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Saturday night.</a>:
    [QUOTE] And I also had to form a contraption to go over our stove vent exhaust on the side of the house.  I knew I freaking heard birds in there, and today I caught one coming out.  Damn thing was trying to make a nest in there!  I am quite impressed with the contraption I came up with though.  I'm sure H will come home and want to chage it immediately.  By that point birds won't be trying to nest though so it probably won't matter.
    Posted by dnbeach12[/QUOTE]

    That is crazy! I would freak.

    I'm currently brewing over a vendor. I had already decided not to hire this DJ but he emailed me today saying he was now booked for our date and that he had to go with them because he goes "with the ones throwing money at him". Wow dude, really? I decided not to respond because if I did it would not be a kind response.
  • Just don't tell my husband mica :)
  • We're watching Deathly Hallows Part 2. I like not watching a movie for a while cause then it's kind of like watching it for the first time.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Saturday night.</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Saturday night. : <strong>That is crazy! I would freak</strong>. I'm currently brewing over a vendor. I had already decided not to hire this DJ but he emailed me today saying he was now booked for our date and that he had to go with them because he goes "with the ones throwing money at him". Wow dude, really? I decided not to respond because if I did it would not be a kind response.
    Posted by ArynBaker[/QUOTE]

    <div>Yeah I kinda did.  I thought i've been hearing birds for a little bit, but never saw one in there.  I would just turn the exhaust fan on and it would stop.  Today instead of turning the fan on I walked outside and it flew out.  Luckily we have some random chicken wire in the backyard and a box of zip ties in the garage.  Putting that together while standing on an 8 feet ladder that was unstable while in a flower bed was definitely quite a feat.  Holy eff I need a husband.  Anyone want to send me theirs?</div>
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • That's convenient that you had the supplies there!
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