Wedding Etiquette Forum


Good Morning!  How is everyone today?  I know ya'll are bursting your britches to get over here and wish Fische a Happy Birthday aren't you?  If you aren't, you better be!!!!1111!!!!  <--excessive punctuation makes you excited right? 

Anyhow.  Apparently we had storms last night.  The whole house slept right through them thankfully and I am one well rested old lady today!  Woot. 

My super non creative self has to decorate the bulletin board at J's school today and to be perfectly honest I have NEVER seen the board throughout the school year.  It never catches my eye, so as the new Community Chairperson I have to figure out a way to make that thing stick out.  Any ideas?  It's right in the little entryway when you walk in the building.  I mean NEVER ONCE looked at the thing all year because I never see it.  (sad isn't it). 

Re: Thursday!

  • Happy birthday, Fische! Hope it's a great one!

    Stacks, what kind of announcements go on the board? Just general "What's happening around town" kind of stuff?

    I am exhausted. I got home so late from the Tim McGraw concert. I am running on about 3 hours of sleep. It was totally worth it. I can't wait to go to bed though, haha.
    meet annie! rescued 6.17.12 imageFollow Me on Pinterest
  • Stacks!  You are so lucky that you slept through everything last night.  I woke up a bit after 3 and didn't fall back to sleep until 4:30 or so....and then at 5 my cat came in and started annoying me.  Rough night.

    It didn't even rain by me, it was just the wind!  I have never heard anything like that before.  I could feel my house shaking.  I almost called my H and woke him up because I was so freaked out.  The umbrella on our deck is trashed, guess we'll be getting a new one of those.

    Anyway, I am even happier than usual that I get to work from home in my jammies.  So sleepy!
  • Good morning. I have a headache from hell. Have to go to MILs tonight for dinner. Not looking forward to it.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Thursday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Good morning. I have a headache from hell. Have to go to MILs tonight for dinner. Not looking forward to it.
    Posted by louisvillebride21[/QUOTE]

    That sounds awful. I mean, I guess look at the bright side... you don't have to cook?
    meet annie! rescued 6.17.12 imageFollow Me on Pinterest
  • Yeah, it will be awful. All she ever does is complain. Always. And forever. She'll complain about all the rain, her flowers, her husband, her back, her job...ugh.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • Abby the news was saying it was really bad from the wind last night, I'm so glad we didn't hear it.  I always freak out because we have these massive trees in our front and back yard that would just literally take out our whole house if they fell down and it always gets me so paranoid when it's windy.  Plus during storms you can just hear branches falling on the house.  I hate it. 

    Happiness we just put up there what is going on with the school that month.  I want to say the things I have to include are Graduation, End of year picnic, Flower sale pick up and something else I forget.  I just wish I'd have seen a board beforehand to see how nice or generic they do it up.  lol.  I think I'm going to put up, "rain, rain go away.  Here is what we do in May".  And then put some flowers and stuff around it.  I printed off like a graduation cartoon looking picture and picnic theme type pictures.  I guess I'll start today and if I hate it I can just redo it next week.  I'm just not sure how to make it noticeable. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Thursday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yeah, it will be awful. All she ever does is complain. Always. And forever. She'll complain about all the rain, her flowers, her husband, her back, her job...ugh.
    Posted by louisvillebride21[/QUOTE]

    Oh man, I can't standdddd people like that. I feel for you, LVB. No chance of staying home to rest and letting your H go alone?
    meet annie! rescued 6.17.12 imageFollow Me on Pinterest
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Thursday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Abby the news was saying it was really bad from the wind last night, I'm so glad we didn't hear it.  I always freak out because we have these massive trees in our front and back yard that would just literally take out our whole house if they fell down and it always gets me so paranoid when it's windy.  Plus during storms you can just hear branches falling on the house.  I hate it.  Happiness we just put up there what is going on with the school that month.  I want to say the things I have to include are Graduation, End of year picnic, Flower sale pick up and something else I forget.  I just wish I'd have seen a board beforehand to see how nice or generic they do it up.  lol.  I think I'm going to put up, "rain, rain go away.  Here is what we do in May".  And then put some flowers and stuff around it.  I printed off like a graduation cartoon looking picture and picnic theme type pictures.  I guess I'll start today and if I hate it I can just redo it next week.  I'm just not sure how to make it noticeable.
    Posted by Stackeye210[/QUOTE]

    Yeah, the easiest thing to do if you aren't very artistic is to go with the month "theme" and decorate off that... May flowers, flags for 4th of July, etc. It will save you a headache.
    meet annie! rescued 6.17.12 imageFollow Me on Pinterest
  • I'm only filling in for the girl who normally does it b/c she just had a baby.  Next year when it really is my job I'm going to try much harder to be super creative.  I've already told my mom who kept every creative gene she had with her and didn't share any of them - that she and her cricut were helping me next year. 
  • Shin splints are the devil! 
  • Those are great ideas LTB - thanks!  I have a bunch of colored paper so I was going to try to make the background kind of blue skies and green for grass - so the rain clouds would work perfect.  Awesome.
  • I just got a groupon too!  Stacks, if you like Greek food you should get one too :)  It's over in Stonerdige.
  • I don't think so. We were supposed to go over for Easter and she was sick and had to cancel. So she's going to be antsy for us to go.

    I just switched to the IUD and there are no more hormones coursing through me (just localized at the ute). I have the absolute shortest fuse. I've been snapping at everyone and crying constantly. I dont' see this going well.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • Another thought, Stacks-- how many classes are there? I am assuming since the kids are still little, they do a lot of craft projects.. what if each class was responsible for doing an art project for the month (or months) to hang around the border of the board? Flags, flowers, clouds... It becomes both a display of the students, and a visual attraction.
    meet annie! rescued 6.17.12 imageFollow Me on Pinterest
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Thursday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I just got a groupon too!  Stacks, if you like Greek food you should get one too :)  It's over in Stonerdige.
    Posted by abbalish[/QUOTE]

    I'll look it up.  Thanks! 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Thursday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I don't think so. We were supposed to go over for Easter and she was sick and had to cancel. So she's going to be antsy for us to go. I just switched to the IUD and there are no more hormones coursing through me (just localized at the ute). I have the absolute shortest fuse. I've been snapping at everyone and crying constantly. I dont' see this going well.
    Posted by louisvillebride21[/QUOTE]

    Ohhh, LVB, that sucks, I am sorry. I hope you feel better.
    meet annie! rescued 6.17.12 imageFollow Me on Pinterest
  • Stacks, I was going to ask if you had the Cricut. It can do amazing things for stuff like that. I know Whit has one for her classroom.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • Morning.

    Yesterday went great, until late last night. I accidentally washed FI's work phone, but in my defense he should learn to take the darned thing out of his pants. He's none too happy with me at the moment. Anybody have a fix all for wet phones?

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  • Put it in a bag of's supposed to pull out all the moisture.  I don't know if it will magically make it work again since it went through a wash though.
  • I did the blow dryer thing with T's phone when I dropped it in a bowl of bbq sauce.  lol.  It worked, but the phone never quite worked the same after. 
  • I second the rice thing.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • He stuck it in some rice before he left for work. I'm going to try the blow dryer thing with it then and see if that helps. Thanks!
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  • Happy birthday, fishy!

    I hope everyone's safe after all those storms!
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
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  • I am really excited to celebrate fishys birthday at lunch when I eat my leftover meatballs.

    That is really all I have to share today.

  • Happy birthday fishy!
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  • holy fluck 1 month.

    I guess its a good thing I ordered my freaking wedding programs this morning.
  • Happy birthday, Fishface!

    Rosebutt- 1 MONTH! :)

    Happy morning ladies.  I love Thursdays!  Glad everyone survived the storms!
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  • Good morning. I can't sleep for anything right now and it sucks. I'm so bored laying in bed that I decided to try and figure out how to post from my phone. If this posts, then I guess I figured it out. Yay for 5am accomplishments. Boo for being awake since 4am for no reason.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • Happy Birthday, Fishy!

    I'm sorry, LVB.  I hope your evening goes better than anticipated :(

    It's misting out today -- not raining -- but my glasses were so wet I couldn't see by the time I finished biking to work.  I'm back to biking full-time again!  A friend and I are going out tomorrow afternoon on a bike trail after I get out of work, so I'm hoping the rains stop before then.

    H and I have been having a really good week, spending time together after the crapfest that was last weekend.  We went out to dinner last night, spur of the moment.  Ruby Tuesdays, so it was nothing that special, but it was nice to get out of the house and let someone else cook.  It was a nice date.

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  • That's so exciting Rosie.  So close! 

    I'm glad you're having a good week Bay! 
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