North Carolina

Any very inexpensive videographers? (Asheville)

I kind of want a videographer but I'm only looking to spend about $350 for the ceremony and just the first dance and speeches, etc. I know this is probably a really low budget, but I don't care too much about the quality as long as I just capture the moment. I know there's a lot of people that might just do some videography in their spare time for a low rate. Does anyone know of someone that can do this?

Re: Any very inexpensive videographers? (Asheville)

  • NcsuPsychNcsuPsych member
    2500 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Why not just buy a video camera and ask a friend or relative to hold it and record?
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  • edited December 2011

    Have you looked at">

    They posted on craigslist and I have been talking to them.  I haven't known anyone that used them but I asked them to send me a complete video and it was pretty good.  (It was better than my family could do and it was all edited and set to music except for the ceremony...that was left as is so you could hear/see the whole ceremony.)

    If you do use them tell them Heather from Wilmington set you

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  • edited December 2011
    I would just check out craigslist or what PP said, ask a friend or relative to do it
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I agree... I thought about hiring one, but its just too much..... I'd rather invest that into your photographer...  :)
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