Nevada-Las Vegas

1200 sq feet can fit how many people???

I'm getting confused about the square footage and how many people can/may be able to "fit" in a suite.

For you ladies who had an in suite reception... About how many square feet was your suite and how many people did you have in attendance? Was it a tight fit or pretty comfy?



Re: 1200 sq feet can fit how many people???

  • edited December 2011
    I used the Panorama suite at PH and it is listed as 1255 sq ft, which includes one bedroom and the huge bathroom. I had right around 30 people including the photographers. They say the room can hold up to 60 but I can't figure out how unless people are hanging out in the bedroom and bathroom... and that would be awkward. I would say that 40-45 would have been about the max for that space to still feel comfortable.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    I think it also depends on the way the room is shaped. What particular suite are you looking at?
     My condo is only 900 square feet and we've packed 40 people in it just fine and that was not including people in our bedrooms and bathrooms.
    However The Panorama Suite is long and narrow, so its a weird space for a lot of people even though its bigger than my house LOL
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • TwinsRibTwinsRib member
    edited December 2011
    We are looking at the Majestic Suite at Alexis Park Resort... We will probably have 60-70 people.... ehh... Here's the floor plan
  • TwinsRibTwinsRib member
    edited December 2011

    This is the "regal", which is two stories... I don't know how I feel about that tho... I didn't want people to "be all everywhere" if that makes sense... lol

  • edited December 2011
    Just looking at the layout it appears the bedroom is almost half the suite size.  If you were opening up the entire suite then possibly 60-70 people would fit.  But if you are just intending to use the "sitting area" for your reception, I think that would be a very tight squeeze.
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    The second one looks like a better layout for so many people, but they both still look prett small for that many people. BTW I love your bouquet!
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