Michigan-Grand Rapids

Question for all Knotties

I know there are tools on the knot to figure out the budget for your wedding, but just curious, do other knotties put away a certain amount from their paycheck each week or how do you guys do it? It seems that everytime I want to put money away for the wedding, something comes up and I am getting frustrated. It doesn't help when my fiance is laid off right now. I seem to be the only one contributing because he says it's so far in advance that we don't need to save right now until next year. This is not realistic to me. Does anyone have suggestions? Thank you!!!

Re: Question for all Knotties

  • heather_rae90heather_rae90 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I know just how you're feeling. I'm kind of in a similar situation..not a lot of money coming in right now, but things are starting to look up a little bit. Our wedding's around the same time as yours too, and I don't want to wait either! So my suggestion to you is to just pick up some little things here and there. I got my veil and headpiece at Hobby Lobby for about $40 total, I got my jewelery at WalMart for $10..I've also bought my cake topper, invitations, guest book w/ pen, and a few other things. There's frequently coupons in the JoAnn Fabrics' ad for 40 or 50% off that you can use to buy maybe one thing each week. There's also coupons for Hobby Lobby and Michael's sometimes. (Here's a good website for printable coupons: [url]http://www.mycraftcoupons.com/[/url].But I would recommend putting away maybe 10% of your paycheck if you can to save for bigger things like deposits.HTH!
  • AmoroAgainAmoroAgain member
    First Comment Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Well, I would say it depends upon what your budget is for the wedding.  What do you want to spend, compared with what is feasible?  Obviously, with your current financial situation, you need to focus on your day to day living as opposed to the future of your wedding.  Honestly, I would wait until your FI gets a job before you start putting away for the wedding.  Don't stress yourself financially when it isn't strictly necessary.  I understand that you want to have a beautiful day.  But, it's only a day.  Set yourself up for a better future, and relax on the wedding stuff for the moment. :)
  • edited December 2011
    Thank you!:-)
  • edited December 2011
    Mine started when a friend asked me to be her wedding photographer last summer. She only paid me 400, and I had to split that between my assistant and I but I put it all away in a separate acct and swore I wouldn't use that money for anything but the wedding. Since then i began putting away $20 each pay check. This summer I'm working two jobs: one is a side job as a secretary at my church. It doesn't give me a whole lot of hours so my pay check is around $120 but I put that all in my wedding fund and use my other job's income for bills, car, etc. It takes a lot of discipline but in the end it is so rewarding, I have been able to pay for my dress without a credit card which is SO rewarding! Good luck and God bless!
  • edited December 2011
    I would love to get a 2nd job, but with working full time and my schooling is full time and I have 2 kids, it would be so intense...Thanks for the input..:-)
  • edited December 2011
    We put away $400 every two weeks to put towards the wedding about 9 months before the wedding to help save towards the wedding and also the honeymoon.
  • edited December 2011
    I'm not saying you have to get another job, I'm just giving you advice on how much I put away. I'm a college student with a free summer hence the second job. But really its all about discipline. Ten - twenty percent of your income is a good amount.
  • edited December 2011
    We have a strict budget for our day to day expenses so we know what we can spend on our vow renewal without making sacrifices today. We put away a set amount from each pay check for large items - venue, caterer, stationary, etc. I also take a small amount each check to purchase or save towards needed items - decorations, cake cutter, centerpiece needs, etc. I think shopping early has a bonus of finding great deals on needed/wanted items. The down side to shopping early is you have a long time to change your mind on your purchases :)
  • edited December 2011
    Yea I know...I was just thinking how much easier it would be to get a 2nd job! THAN we could have everything we wanted and more:-) But realistically, I can't...haha...Thanks everyone
  • edited December 2011
    I understand the budget crunch and the financial situation. I work as a substitute teacher and have not found any summer employment... I guess my wedding financing is more on the traditional side. Since I am the only daughter, my parents have given us $2,000 for our wedding, and my finance and I have been able to plan our whole wedding on that budget.Like some other people stated, maybe rather than being worried about setting large amount of money aside, maybe consider rethinking lowering the prices on some items, like doing the invitations yourself, and bargain hunting at the hobby lobby.My wedding is more on the simple side because of the budget, but I have yet to have sacrifice elegance because of the budget either... Just a lot of research and elbow grease has saved me a lot of money!
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