Anybody remember the wedding present that I got the week before Christmas? It was a Harry and David tower from one of SILs, in-laws (her husband's bro and sil). Well, I mentioned it to SIL and found out why we received it.
Her SIL is pregnant and due in April. She (SIL's-SIL) wanted to make sure that I would come to her baby shower in February and that we would be generous (her husband told his bro, my BIL, this, which my SIL then told me). Of all the tackiness in the world....
Re: Things are never as nice as they seem
Sounds like something came up for that day and you won't be able to make it.
Planning Bio
Happy Birthday, little man. We love you so much!
My favorite money saving tip: I've earned more than $300 in gift cards (Amazon, Starbucks, Southwest!) using SwagBucks for internet searching - and you can too! It's FREE and EASY!
People are so ridiculous, why would someone even say that? Couldn't they just left it as a nice gift for the two of you and the be that? I agree with Er on this one, men just don't seem to understand that it will get back to us if it is said to one another.
Silly boys gossip is for chicks.
you must give really good gifts!
She is planning the whole shower herself, so I kind of want to know what it's going to be like. I think I may do the go for food, then have an emergency phone call from work so that I have to leave before the gifts are opened.
I told J that I am crocheting a blanket for her (total cost, less than $10 (bought yarn on sale) + time). That's it. We've spent plenty on this couple already.
Pittsburgh sig: Favorite thing about fall= college football!
Happy Birthday, little man. We love you so much!
My favorite money saving tip: I've earned more than $300 in gift cards (Amazon, Starbucks, Southwest!) using SwagBucks for internet searching - and you can too! It's FREE and EASY!
Eww. That's terrible! What tackiness.
I think the blanket is nmore than generous enough. Maybe throw in a box of Good N Plentys? :P
[QUOTE]Eww. That's terrible! What tackiness. I think the blanket is nmore than generous enough. Maybe throw in a box of Good N Plentys? :P
Posted by dreamalotmp[/QUOTE]
Lol! S, I'd go for the food too. Please report back afterwards- I am curious!
Planning Bio
BTW, I think a homeade blanket is far too generous. Your time is super valuable, and the thought/effort behind it is more than this chick deserves. I won't lie though, I'm stoked to hear about the food!
August Siggy Challenge- Wedding Must Have - sleigh cake stand Bio updated 04/05/10.