
XP: Crazy or Not??

So since I am now Post-Wedding and are starting to focus on other things I know for us it's babies or other people having babies etc. I have thought about starting to buy gender neutral stuff or little things here and there to give as gifts or to hold for myself. I think it would be a good idea but don't want to look crazy lol.

I was just thinking like when I see something cute on sale. I know about 5 pregnant women right now and it got me thinking. Plus H and I are wanting to start sooner rather than later. Is this honestly crazy????

Re: XP: Crazy or Not??

  • Well, honestly I wouldn't start buying things until I were for sure pregnant. If you have difficulties conceiving, then the little things that you bought will be sitting there, right in front of you, reminding you of what you're struggling with. I'm not saying that you will have trouble getting pregnant, but what if you do? I know I wouldn't want to pre-buy things and then find out I can't get pregnant. It would be really hard.
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  • Not Crazy- but it is hard...
    If i were you i would try to stick to buying the cute gifts you need to for the currently prego :)
    i have one baby outfit my mom got me when we were in Ireland 10years ago - we knew it was a once in a lifetime trip and is was too cute to pass on...   but if i am cleaning and see the outfit on the wrong day it crushes me and instant tears...

    I will be trying to start my family ASAP but you just don't know what that journey will be...
    also babies grow fast and last season is always on sale no need to stock up on clothes yet - you will have plenty of time to spoil them and save money too ;)

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  • I would avoid buying anything now, even if it's on sale.  Maybe a solution is, every time you feel compelled to buy something you see on sale, take the money you were ABOUT to spend, and put it in a piggy bank. Even if it's only a few dollars.  take it out of your purse that very second, put it in a seperate compartment in your purse, your pocket, whatever.  And when you get home, that money goes right into the piggy. 

    that way, when you do get pregnant, you'll have some money to go on a shopping spree. 
  • gundy21gundy21 member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited June 2012
    In Response to <a href="">Re: XP: Crazy or Not??</a>:
    [QUOTE]Well, honestly I wouldn't start buying things until I were for sure pregnant. If you have difficulties conceiving, then the little things that you bought will be sitting there, right in front of you, reminding you of what you're struggling with. I'm not saying that you will have trouble getting pregnant, but what if you do? I know I wouldn't want to pre-buy things and then find out I can't get pregnant. It would be really hard.
    Posted by justdance93[/QUOTE]

    <div>This x100.  We have been trying for 9 months now.  Seeing friends get PG is bad enough.  I could not handle seeing baby stuff at home, too.</div>
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  • I would not buy anything till you are pregnant.  I have fertility issues and can say that if you have any issues having the stuff sitting around might start to be depressing.  Not to mention you don't know what month you will get pregnant. Depending on where you live the seasons can come into play as far as the type of clothing you buy.  
    85image 71image 14image
  • The other PPs all have really good advice. However its not always easy to follow that advice. I just finished working at Wal-mart through my college years and I have bought some things that were on sale. Just one blanket and a few onsies. Not a ton of stuff and only things that can be used any time of year. The onsies all have personal meaning so to speak as well. Two of them say something about Aunt on them. My sister is my best friend, I helped raise my nephews and want her to be close to my kids. One says "studmuffin" on it which is a reference to a funny story from when my FI and started dating. If you are going to cave and buy things I suggest buying things that can be used in any season such as blankets, onsies, stuffed animals etc. Try not to do too much. People will buy lots of clothes because its so much fun.
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