
seating chart drama

ok ladies, any suggestions on how to do the darn seating chart?  how did you determine who was going to sit with who?  I have issues with family drama (my dad's sister and my dad's brother don't really get along), my aunt (on my mom side) thinks the world revolves only around her and her family (which my brother and I have been forced to smile and grin at for every family event since we have been born) so I don't want him to sit with them.... Most of the people on "my side" are actually my parents friends (and family) whereas the people on my FI side are really friends and co-workers (but he has hardly any family coming).  The bridal party is a mix of family and friends...  I would just say "ya'll figure it out and sit where you want" but we are having a plated dinner so we have to assign seats....

Sorry it is so long, I just didn't realize how HARD this was going to be....
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Re: seating chart drama

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    Honestly, it's really not that difficult :)  I had already organized my guest list in Excel based on categories (my mom's family, my dad's family, his mom's family, my friends, mutual friends, etc.) so I created another Excel spreadsheet where I copy and pasted names from that. Each table looked like this in Excel:

    Table #2

    Then I moved people around as I saw fit, based on relationships, etc. It only gets difficult once you get to the people that don't know a lot of people there. After making a decent draft, we gave copies to each set of parents and asked for their input. We made a few changes after that.

    GL! It's really not as difficult as many people say it is.

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    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:973cdc6f-961e-4fb0-a628-bef2bb559697Discussion:b575e738-59a9-434c-a9b5-97750693f6b9Post:3ba8971a-7325-4f54-b92b-e37ff991e0a1">seating chart drama</a>:
    [QUOTE]ok ladies, any suggestions on how to do the darn seating chart?  how did you determine who was going to sit with who?  I have issues with family drama <strong>(my dad's sister and my dad's brother don't really get along),</strong> <strong><u>my aunt (on my mom side) thinks the world revolves only around her and her family</u></strong> (which my brother and I have been forced to smile and grin at for every family event since we have been born) so I don't want him to sit with them.... Most of the people on "my side" are actually my parents friends (and family) whereas the people on my FI side are really friends and co-workers (but he has hardly any family coming).  The bridal party is a mix of family and friends...  I would just say "ya'll figure it out and sit where you want" but we are having a plated dinner so we have to assign seats.... Sorry it is so long, I just didn't realize how HARD this was going to be....
    Posted by km2124[/QUOTE]
    Obviously, don't sit your dad's sister and dad's brother with each other. Do they have kids they could be seated with? Other siblings? Cousins? Etc.

    Aunt on mom's side - not sure how her feelings about the world revolving around her factor in here....

    Definitely do seating charts, especially if that's what your social circle is used to.
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    I agree with Amethyst. Seat people with other people they can talk to during dinner. So seat family with family, friends with friends, coworkers with coworkers, etc. After dinner people will probably get up and mingle (and dance), so it's really just for the dinner and toasts. I like Amethyst's idea of a spread sheet, but I am more of a visual person. I found a picture on pinterest regarding seating, and I'm definitely going to do it this way when I get to that planning stage:

    If you trace circles on a piece of paper and number them, you can use the thin post-its to place people around a table. Make one color your family, one color his family, one color coworkers, etc. Then they are easy to move around since there's no erasing or anything. HTH!
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    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:973cdc6f-961e-4fb0-a628-bef2bb559697Discussion:b575e738-59a9-434c-a9b5-97750693f6b9Post:292d7b96-4b02-4d46-bcc4-91c74e10ccd1">Re: seating chart drama</a>:
    [QUOTE]I agree with Amethyst. Seat people with other people they can talk to during dinner. So seat family with family, friends with friends, coworkers with coworkers, etc. After dinner people will probably get up and mingle (and dance), so it's really just for the dinner and toasts. I like Amethyst's idea of a spread sheet, but I am more of a visual person. I found a picture on pinterest regarding seating, and I'm definitely going to do it this way when I get to that planning stage: If you trace circles on a piece of paper and number them, you can use the thin post-its to place people around a table. Make one color your family, one color his family, one color coworkers, etc. Then they are easy to move around since there's no erasing or anything. HTH!
    Posted by justdance93[/QUOTE]
    That is a good idea for people who aren't into spreadsheets and prefer visual, like you said. My H would probably do it that way... Wait, NM, he would have said F it and let them sit wherever. ;) EEK! I'm an accountant so I'm very familiar with Excel so that's what worked best for me. I also think it took less time since we had 175 guests and I can't imagine writing down 175 names on 175 pieces of paper.....
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: seating chart drama</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: seating chart drama : That is a good idea for people who aren't into spreadsheets and prefer visual, like you said. My H would probably do it that way... Wait, NM, he would have said F it and let them sit wherever. ;) EEK! I'm an accountant so I'm very familiar with Excel so that's what worked best for me. I also think it took less time since we had 175 guests and I can't imagine writing down 175 names on 175 pieces of paper.....
    Posted by AmethystMSU[/QUOTE]
    Completely understandable! I'm only going to have about 50 guests at mine, so that's more feasible. :)
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    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:973cdc6f-961e-4fb0-a628-bef2bb559697Discussion:b575e738-59a9-434c-a9b5-97750693f6b9Post:e36ca3db-a2ca-4623-97ed-6766ca016738">Re: seating chart drama</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: seating chart drama : Completely understandable! I'm only going to have about 50 guests at mine, so that's more feasible. :)
    Posted by justdance93[/QUOTE]
    DEFINITELY!!! :)
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: seating chart drama</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: seating chart drama : Completely understandable! I'm only going to have about 50 guests at mine, so that's more feasible. :)
    Posted by justdance93[/QUOTE]

    we had 70. my seating chart basically made itself... families sit together, friends fit at one table, etc.
    anyways, i just wrote it out on notebook paper
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    We are doing an open seating arrangement.  To me, this isn't elemetary school where you had assigned seats.  These are grown men and women.   The only "reserved" tables will be for the wedding party.

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    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:973cdc6f-961e-4fb0-a628-bef2bb559697Discussion:b575e738-59a9-434c-a9b5-97750693f6b9Post:a9b5c947-795b-4886-b6e7-e4d0c1a78cb7">Re: seating chart drama</a>:
    Posted by rtzrill[/QUOTE]

    Are you sure you trust them? They can't even handle time stamping forum posts.....
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: seating chart drama</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: seating chart drama : Are you sure you trust them? They can't even handle time stamping forum posts.....
    Posted by AmethystMSU[/QUOTE]
    HAHAHA totally...
    Meh. It's just fun to play with :)
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: seating chart drama</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: seating chart drama : HAHAHA totally... Meh. It's just fun to play with :)
    Posted by rtzrill[/QUOTE]

    I agree it is fun to play with.  It helps me be visual and technical at the ssame time.  I also like weddingwires seating chart tool.  I have my guest list in several places so if one crahes/ I lose the piece of paper, I have another to go to.   I aleady have everyone on the invite list seated, so I guess I will just have to consolidate tables once RSVPs go out and come back.

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    In Response to <a href="">Re: seating chart drama</a>:
    Posted by rtzrill[/QUOTE]

    i did already. i didnt plot out the actual room size or place the dj or dance floor, just basically made the tables based on 100% attendance. then i will just edit as necessary. i know im gonna get mad when peopledecline cuz they messed up my tables tho lol
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    I am visual and didn't feel like re-writing all the names.

    I took all the RSVP cards and wrote in the number of people in the upper right corner.  We then started making logical piles - my family, his family, my friends, his friends, etc.  Next we took the small piles and started making tables of 8 (what we could site comfortably at our venue).  We have some friends that overlap or that can sit with anyone and be happy - we used those people to make us some fun tables!  Lastly - we did a rough sketch of that table would go where in the venue.  We were able to do set up the night before - so I had a "cheat sheet" by table number to make sure groups we wanted near each other (like my extended family) were all in the same area.
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    We used the 'circle chart' as I called it and used stickies to represent the guests.

    I started out using the excel spreadsheet. It worked for about a half hour. I hated he back and forth, scroll up, and scroll down. I needed something visual as pp said. I got a layout of the ballroom and took it to kinkos and blew it up poster size for about $5. This way really worked out the best for us and made it a lot easier to edit as things changed.

    In regards to who to sit with who, I feel your pain. There were guests at our wedding who had strained relationships with other members. Then we had people that we were afraid if we put them at a table that wasnt right up front, it would cause an issue. At the end of the day, I honestly said fuuck it. If they can't sit and be cordial for an hour, I can't help them. After dinner, they could go wherever they wanted..they didnt have to sit there all night.
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