It's that time again! It's exciting because the special number, 365, gets to appears on our coutdowns soon! Anyways, can we start making a decison on our Jully siggy?
My vote is anything wedding related. Most of us have colors down...
In Response to Re:July Siggy?:[QUOTE]It's that time again! It's exciting because the special number, 365, gets to appears on our coutdowns soon! Anyways, can we start making a decison on our Jully siggy?My vote is anything wedding related. Most of us have colors down... Posted by keyaira04[/QUOTE]
In Response to <a href="">Re: July Siggy?</a>: [QUOTE]im not looking forward to aug :( can we skip that month Posted by southerncutie[/QUOTE]
Please can we? for me August will mean school re-starting and getting my wisdom teeth out. Yuck!
But I also like colors, or maybe wedding-inspiration photo? Something that everyone will have this far out.
awwww i like the fav pic idea!! but if people don't want pics online, then colors works for me! other ideas: ~fur babies ~favorite date night spot ~favorite anniversary ~zodiac signs ~place where you first kissed
If we were going to do pics with FI, I'd at least like to wait until more people get e-pics done and back. FI doesn't like his photo on the internet either.
Color sounds like its winning Which is good because its something that most people seem to have at this point.
Some NWR ones for future months:
misquela's Favorite date night sounds like a fun one.
In Response to <a href="">Re: July Siggy?</a>: [QUOTE]Some NWR ones for future months: misquela's Favorite date night sounds like a fun one. First date Favorite present from FI (besides E-ring) First getaway/vacation with FI. Posted by flutterbride2b[/QUOTE]<div> <div>Yay! <strong>Our official July siggy is: Colors! </strong></div><div> </div><div>Mis Mod, I think your ideas above for future siggys are great.
In Response to <a href="">Re: July Siggy?</a>: [QUOTE]awwww i like the fav pic idea!! but if people don't want pics online, then colors works for me! other ideas: ~fur babies ~favorite date night spot ~favorite anniversary ~zodiac signs ~place where you first kissed :) Posted by missquela[/QUOTE]
I think the signatures should have to do with our weddings so fur babies (which I keep seeing pop up as a suggestion) and zodiac signs don't really go IMO.
I do like your idea for place where you first kissed though.
I like the color idea alot but for future we could also do where you and FI met or how long you have been together. Or something like favorite thing to do together or favorite resturant for a date
Re: July Siggy?
I agree! Something to do with our 1 yr marks.
P.s....where did June go???!!
im not looking forward to aug
can we skip that month
[QUOTE]im not looking forward to aug :( can we skip that month
Posted by southerncutie[/QUOTE]
Please can we? for me August will mean school re-starting and getting my wisdom teeth out. Yuck!
But I also like colors, or maybe wedding-inspiration photo? Something that everyone will have this far out.
Life is good today.
~fur babies
~favorite date night spot
~favorite anniversary
~zodiac signs
~place where you first kissed
[QUOTE]Some NWR ones for future months: misquela's Favorite date night sounds like a fun one. First date Favorite present from FI (besides E-ring) First getaway/vacation with FI.
Posted by flutterbride2b[/QUOTE]<div>
<div>Yay! <strong>Our official July siggy is: Colors! </strong></div><div>
</div><div>Mis Mod, I think your ideas above for future siggys are great.
[QUOTE]awwww i like the fav pic idea!! but if people don't want pics online, then colors works for me! other ideas: ~fur babies ~favorite date night spot ~favorite anniversary ~zodiac signs ~place where you first kissed :)
Posted by missquela[/QUOTE]
I think the signatures should have to do with our weddings so fur babies (which I keep seeing pop up as a suggestion) and zodiac signs don't really go IMO.
I do like your idea for place where you first kissed though.
Can't wait to see your colors, ladies!
I like the color idea alot but for future we could also do where you and FI met or how long you have been together. Or something like favorite thing to do together or favorite resturant for a date