July 2013 Weddings

The ultimate DIY....

The dress!

Someone was talking on another board about their friend wanting to DIY her own wedding dress.

What do you think?  

I could do it, I'm just afraid that I would a) bleed on the fabric when hand stitching details, b) hate sewing by the end of it and/or c) screw it up majorly.

That, and with the cost of materials it's SO much cheaper just to buy off the rack.

What's the most outrageous DIY you're considering?

Personally - I'm not sold on dress yet, so my 'toughy' would have to be catering (unless we change our mind on reception venues due to guest list increases in which case my toughy will be draping & uplighting a community center gymnasium).
Formerly known as flutterbride2b

Re: The ultimate DIY....

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    I believe in you! 

    I've heard that a good way to decide to diy is if
    A) You feel 100% confident that you can get it done.
    B) if you don't get it done, you can toss it aside without it hurting your budget.

    If you can't agree with at least one of those options, I would skip it. 

    I am not doing any major DIY's, though I consider myself fairly crafty. I have a sewing machine, but I am nowhere prepared to take on a project as intensive as a wedding dress. And if I found out that making it costs more than buying, I would skip it. I am DIYing to save money, so things I cannot do, I am leaving to the pros. I am DIYing centerpieces and other decor, and possibly a photobooth. And some of my accessories like a veil. 

    Good luck with your DIY's and keep us posted! I would love to see that dress if you decide to go for it! :)
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    I've seen this flowchart on numerous forums.

    Words of wisdom for sure!  I feel like I should print & frame it.

    Formerly known as flutterbride2b
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    Personally Im not crafty so no way for me, I think Jeremy is right on track with pointers. If you do go ahead with it I admire you!
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