Continuation from
this post.
So, how did it go?
Personally, I didn't accomplish everything I wanted to (which doesn't suprise me, I had a hefty order going) but I did have some victories.
Fitness-wise I did get some of it in but not the 3x/wk that I wanted for both. Guess I'll start over =( Since C25k is a 9 week program, and I've got 3 sizes of free weights I'll probably try to move my weights up through each 3rd of the program.
Food-wise I did a lot better. I actually need to make a list of things we ran out of and go to the store today. My "typical" breakfast has been granola (with nuts and raisins), yogurt, and almond milk mixed together topped with either a banana or strawberries. We grilled out a few times and I took leftovers or ate a chef salad at lunch for work most days.
I bought two kinds of "healthy" bread. One of them was really heavy - I think I could get used to the taste but it's a lot less airy than regular bread so you really only need half as much to achieve the same level of fullness. That makes the price not as bad. FI hated it. The other loaf got moldy before I got to really try it =( Goodbye expensive bread... - we didn't even have it that long! I'll probably buy another one to give it a fair shot but my pocket won't be happy about it.
I went through the fridge on Sunday and shucked corn, sliced vegetables, washed fruit & cubed cheese. It was really easy to stay on track with the fridge already full of grab-and-go heathlier foods. They were each in their own rubbermaid container so I could mix and match as I pleased throughout the week for salads, sandwiches, and grilled veggies.
Formerly known as flutterbride2b