September 2012 Weddings


came across this and laughed..had to share..."A good bridesmaid also makes sure she is helpful rather than a hindrance. This means being where she needs to be, on time, ordering her bridesmaid dress at the right time, and not badmouthing the bride behind her back."

Re: BM's

  • I think I need to send that to mine!!! That's so true.
  • I'm lucky, with the exception of one, and she's family, my bridesmaids have been great and following that to a T... the other seems determined to convince my mother that I'm a bridezilla about things I don't care about lol
  • I like that!  I'm with Britt, I'm lucky with my bridesmaids.  They have been good not to stress me out at all.  Yay!
    Once upon a time, there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering.
  • Mine need to hear this.  3 of 6 I feel like forget there is a wedding happening and/or think it takes 5 minutes to plan the day before.  They were good about their dresses but otherwise don't care about any thing else or have no interest in helping (the few who are good and would help don't live near me so my mom is my #1 unofficial bridesmaid and help).
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