I always get excited when I get mail because these days its always something wedding related lol
Here's what I came home to today...
The business FI and I are in has a nautical wheel as its logo, so I ordered this charm to represent that on my bouquet:

My locket with the picture of my father and I dancing at my grade 8 graduation in it came in, this will also be pinned to my bouquet:

My last package was NWR, but I LOVE it! I have been waiting for this to come in for FAR too long:
Re: XP Mail! PIP
Your wedding charms are beautiful!
[QUOTE]Is your teal ribbon representative of an ovarian cancer survivor? Your wedding charms are beautiful!
Posted by SCogs18[/QUOTE]<div>
</div><div>I believe Britt is a survivor :)</div><div>
</div><div>The charms are lovely Britt!</div><div>
</div><div>I am adding charms of our initials, including my son's to my bouquet. We are all a family and I want the union to be about all 3 of us joining together.
Love those! I always get giddy when checking the mailbox too!
That's right, I blog! - The Domestic Soldier