Wedding Invitations & Paper

Program a necessity or preference?

Are programs a matter of personal preference, or are there certain instances (formal ceremony, church, etc.) where it's expected or more common? I'm having a short, casual outdoor ceremony.

Re: Program a necessity or preference?

  • I believe they are a preference. If you want to inform you guests of the schedule of your ceremony, parent's names, officiant name, any peoms you want, schedule after there ceremony then you can use a program to do this.
    It is an expense you don't need if you're doing a casual ceremony/wedding. You can also inform you guests in other ways like signs, in the invitation, etc.

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  • I'd say they're necessary if you expect guests to say or sing anything during the ceremony, including the "standard" responses at a Nuptial Mass. Otherwise, optional.
  • What PPs said...a preference unless you have a particularly complicated ceremony.
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  • They're a preference. We actually DIY ours with wedding programs from Oriental trading. They were on clearance so we paid less than a penny each.
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