My parents are hosting, but we would like to include his parents on the invite as well. His parents are divorced, and both are remarried. He is much closer with his mom and step-dad than with his dad and step-mom (also, his mom and step-dad are contributing some, his dad and step-mom are not), so I was thinking of listing his mom and step-dad first, but not sure if that is inappropriate or looks weird.
Here is my initial idea (names changed):
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
request the pleasure of your company
at the marriage of their daughter
Jennifer Marie
Matthew Paul Jones
son of
Mr. and Mrs. Mark White [mom and step-dad]
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Jones [dad and step-mom]
Saturday, the twelfth of June
two thousand ten
at half after four o'clock in the afternoon
Golf Club
Anytown, California
Reception immediately following ceremony
I welcome your thoughts and suggestions.
(Sidenote: This will be a religious ceremony at a golf club. I've read somewhere that "hono(u)r of your presence" is only if it takes place inside a house of worship, "pleasure of your company" is used in all other instances. Is this correct?)