Wedding Invitations & Paper

Bilingual wedding invitations

My FI is french and has several french speaking only relatives. He doesn't like the idea of only sending french only invitations to those family members, ( I don't understand his reasoning) Any ideas on how to do bilingual invitations?

Re: Bilingual wedding invitations

  • I have the same issue! We will be sending out more simple, double-sided invitations. I made the invites on from a free! printable template and will be getting them printed at kinkos, on thick paper so I can have english on one side and french on the other. They won't be super fancy, but they will be cost effective and a perfect way to remind our guests that this will be a bi-lingual wedding! Also, for the RSVP's I am doing postcards and there will be plenty of room to have both french and english. Good luck!
  • I'm in the same boat with FI being French and the majority of his family speaks only French, while mine is English. I agree with your FI on the invites though, I also don't like the idea of two sets of invites, I want everyone to receive the same invite, regardless of whose side of the family it is. It feels more like a joining of the families that way, whereas a French invite and an English invite feels like it's keeping the families separate. Plus, our ceremony is bilingual, so the bilingual invite is like a little heads up. 

    Anyway, for our invites we're having a French side and an English side put in a folding card, with a little flap of extra paper to fold over the outside when closed. Since I'm terrible at describing things that make sense, here's a digital mock-up:
    Front closed

    I considered the cards and pockets bilingual pocket fold, but with shipping it was going to be way too expensive. Instead I'm going to buy paper and just cut it down to size myself. 
  • I'm in the same boat with FI being French and the majority of his family speaks only French, while mine is English. I agree with your FI on the invites though, I also don't like the idea of two sets of invites, I want everyone to receive the same invite, regardless of whose side of the family it is. It feels more like a joining of the families that way, whereas a French invite and an English invite feels like it's keeping the families separate. Plus, our ceremony is bilingual, so the bilingual invite is like a little heads up. 

    Anyway, for our invites we're having a French side and an English side put in a folding card, with a little flap of extra paper to fold over the outside when closed. Since I'm terrible at describing things that make sense, here's a digital mock-up:


    Front closed

    I considered the cards and pockets bilingual pocket fold, but with shipping it was going to be way too expensive. Instead I'm going to buy paper and just cut it down to size myself. 
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