Wedding Invitations & Paper

Return Address?

Do I put my parents as the return address and rsvp? Or should I just do mine since I'm the one doing everything? I'm paying for the wedding...etc.
Also--Do I get the RA printed on the envelopes? Or just write it??
Because I'm going to have to write their addresses on them right?? HELP!

Re: Return Address?

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    edited January 2010
    Our RSVPs were sent to my parents' house and we had their address pinted on the envelope.

    Who's hosting your reception? Technically the RSVPs should go to whoever's hosting but these days i've seen it go straight to the couple (even if the parents are hosting) just to make tracking the RSVPs easier.
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    I'd go with using your own address as well.
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    I am using my parents address, but that is only because I am likely moving a month before the wedding, and I don't know where yet! If I could I would have them sent to me, because I can't bear to give up control and trust my parents to keep track well!
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