Wedding Invitations & Paper

OOT Welcome Letter / Brochure

I began working on an OOT bag welcome letter / brochure. The largest majority of our guest will travel from out of town so its important to us to give them a nice welcome bag and lots of information. In the bag I wanted to create a welcome brochure (a card style folded brochure). I wanted to include a thank you message, wedding day timeline, directions to the ceremony and contact information but I feel like I'm missing something. I also need something to fill up the back cover.

What are you including in your welcome letter? What else should I include? I thought about doing what to do and things to see but its Columbia, MO and its not exactly a tourist attraction, if you know what I mean.

My other idea was to create a word find or crossword puzzle. Thought it might be something fun for the back cover.

Re: OOT Welcome Letter / Brochure

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    JCM10JCM10 member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    What about fun things you like to do in the area? A friend put their favorite restaurants, so OOT guests got to try to local gems that they wouldn't have otherwise known about.
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    What about a madlib with some area details?
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    A wedding madlib is a cute idea!  But, if you have guests from OOT, probably they won't be doing wedding things the entire time they are in town.  Depending on where you are having the majority of your guests stay, you could include information on a couple restaurants close, or to the mall (I know it isn't the best mall ever, but it is something for teens, or a little shopping), or to Shelter Gardens-a nice place to get out stretch your legs, young children can play and it is beautiful.  As a guest, information that would help me not spend the entire weekend in my hotel room would be the most appreciated.  I would try to think of what parts of Columbia you really enjoy, pretend you aren't from there!
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    Thanks for the tips ladies. I like the idea of including information about Shelter Gardens. FI and I actually did our engagement photos there so that would be something nice for them to see. :-)
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    tldhtldh member
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    If there's not much to do, then I'd definitely include possible activities or sightseeing that you know of since they're less likely to find it on their own.
    AKA GoodLuckBear14
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    I also wanted to do OOT bags, but we only have a few OOT guests coming, my FI family.  They will only be in town for the wedding, so do you think it's still okay to do the bags?  I probably won't do anything in regards to "local" things, since all of the OOT guests will be at the rehearsal dinner and then the wedding.  People will  head back home after that.  I might include a list of area stores for necessities that they may have forgotten, but probably not much of anything else.  What else could I put in the bag?
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    Hmmmm - well since everyone's flying/driving in for the wedding this is a must for us! 

    Since we're doing Vegas, we figured a picture of the welcome sign was an easy picture to find.  (you could take a picture of your venue or chapel!)

     We're doing a 3 fold brochure with the 1st interior page holding our welcome note.  Next page (middle fold) has a brief schedule of events.  3rd Interior fold has contact information - cell phone #s and other little details (When & where the shuttle bus leaves!)  On the backside of the contact list we're putting the map. (You know someone left their's back home!)  As for the back cover, well the back of the Vegas sign just fit perfect, but you could a picture of you & your honey waving goodbye....just a thought!

    I'll try to post pics of our brochure when the cardstock comes in & we finish the design.
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