Wedding Invitations & Paper

sticky family situation - need help with wording!

My parents are actually in the process of getting divorce.  His parents have given us some money to use on whatever (rings, honeymoon, etc) and they are paying for the rehearsal.  My parents were supposed to pay for all the wedding day stuff, but now their bank accounts are frozen for the divorce.  However, my parents both say they still plan to pay their part somehow.  So we don't know exactly how this will all be covered.  I don't want to draw attention to the pending divorce in the invitations as this is a very new thing.  Thoughts?  I would love suggestions!   Thank you so much!

Re: sticky family situation - need help with wording!

  • Since your parents are in the process of a divorce, it would be weird to list them as Mr. and Mrs. Bride's parents.  But since the divorce isn't finalized, it would be weird to list them on separate lines.

    I would use the catch all "Together with their parents..." wording.
  • How long do you have
    1) before the invites need to go out?
    2) before the next step in the divorce proceedings?

    It would seem to me that you have two issues - what to put on the invites, and how to pay the wedding bills.  The first one is much easier than the second to work out.  As much as I'm a fan of not asking about money - I think this is a situation where you need to ask - if they can't give it to you now, I wouldn't count on getting it before the wedding. 

    Given that their INTENT is to not be married, I'd go with that, rather than the legality of when the divorce is finalized, when writing your invites.

    Bride Middle Last
    Groom Middle Last

    together with their parents
    Mrs. Bride Mom
    Mr. Bride Dad
    Mr. and Mrs. Groom Dad
    request the pleasure of your company
    at their wedding

    Saturday, the eighth of May
    two thousand ten
    at half after four o'clock in the afternoon

    City, State
    DIY & Planning | Married 

    Married: 2010
    Mom to J: 2011
    Mom to H: 2014

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    Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
  • Together with their parents sounds good to me. 
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  • Thanks for the advice!  I'll show this to my fiance, who is designing the invitations, and see if we can make something work. 

    My mom is being very supportive, saying she will pay for everything if needed when the time comes.  My dad is trying to get out of contributing financially b/c he is carrying the bulk of the current bills (b/c he is living in the house they own).  However, as I've tried to explain to him, my wedding should not be part of what they "argue" over in this.  I think they should both contribute equally.  

    We need to send the invitations out around March 1st.  We are now 3 months from our wedding.  I'm not sure how long a divorce takes.  Anyone know?  I think it would be best to keep the situation inconspicuous on the invitations so that everyone feels comfortable.  I haven't asked my mom what she would prefer b/c I don't want to upset her.  But I will. 

    Thanks again for all the help!  I appreciate any suggetions that you guys have!
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