Wedding Invitations & Paper

Question about parent's full names with titles on invites.

My mom & dad are divorced & both remarried to other people.  I want to put first names on the invitation as well as last names but I am not sure how it is supposed to read.

I am pretty sure that Mr. and Mrs. (stepdad) and (mom) (last name) is incorrect.  I have seen Mr. and Mrs. (mom) and (stepdad) (last name) but I also saw online that that is incorrect because of using "and" twice.  I saw on a website that it is supposed to be Mrs. (mom) and Mr. (stepdad) (last name).

(fake names)
So it is:
Mr. and Mrs. David and Kelly Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly and David Smith
Mrs. Kelly and Mr. David Smith

Does anyone know?  TIA!
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