Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Nicknames in the Ceremony

So my FH's real name is Daniel, but he always goes by DJ. We're having his best friend officiate the ceremony and I wonder if it'd be weird for his best friend, who always calls him DJ (or, sarcastically, Dan), to call him by his full name? But using DJ throughout the ceremony seems informal (and we're having a formal wedding).

For what it's worth, we put Daniel on the invitations since I'm also using my full name.

Would it be weird to switch back and forth between DJ and Daniel in the ceremony, or should we just pick one and stick with it?
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Re: Nicknames in the Ceremony

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    My legal name is Katherine but absolutely no one calls me that. I used my nickname during the ceremony.
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    I say legal names, just my personal preference.

     DH name is Jonathan but everybody calls him Jonny.  Officiant (my cousin) had a hard time remembering to say Jonathan but he didn't say Jonny once!

    However, I think there are some times when using a legal name would be awkward.  I have a friend Ashley whose legal first name Elisabeth...didn't find this out until one day in class a new professor was doing "attendance" and called her Elisabeth.  Since she absolutely doesn't ever go by Elisabeth and its not a shorten nickname (i.e. Jonny for Jonathan, Rob for Robert, Jill for Jillian, etc) I think it would be odd for the officiant to say Elisabeth during her wedding.  If that makes sense...
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    I think that since you used Daniel on the invitations, you should use it in the ceremony. I just like the continuity. FWIW, FI is Jeff to me but his dad, grandmother, and one of his sisters call him Jeffrey. He is going to be called Jeffrey in the ceremony.
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    This is something I need to think about - my name is Jennifer but I go by Jenni. I think for saying vows and things like that I will use my full name. If the officiant is just talking or something, I will probably have them use Jenni. I like the idea of using your legal name for vows, but it's ultimately up to you and what you are both most comfortable with.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:10Discussion:202b230e-6866-4928-87ac-fd535c9f1b88Post:4552a08f-cba1-41ee-9c14-ae2253f4cbd5">Re: Nicknames in the Ceremony</a>:
    [QUOTE]My legal name is Katherine but absolutely no one calls me that. I used my nickname during the ceremony.
    Posted by NOLAbridealmost[/QUOTE]

    I have Katherine on the invitations, but only ever go by Katie...To be honest I'll bet theres people in my family who didnt even know my legal name was katherine until they got the invite! I am going to use Katie in anything spoken, because honestly if someone said Katherine, I probably would be confused as to who they are talking to for a couple seconds.

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    I'd use the full name for vows, but when the officiant is for example telling a story about how you met, DJ would be fine ("So DJ was heartbroken when she didn't want to give her his number, but luckily...")
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:10Discussion:202b230e-6866-4928-87ac-fd535c9f1b88Post:ecc923c2-b98c-47b6-bb1f-d01e317b757c">Re: Nicknames in the Ceremony</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'd use the full name for vows, but when the officiant is for example telling a story about how you met, DJ would be fine ("So DJ was heartbroken when she didn't want to give her his number, but luckily...")
    Posted by Elinetrouwt[/QUOTE]

    I think this is a great option.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Nicknames in the Ceremony</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'd use the full name for vows, but when the officiant is for example telling a story about how you met, DJ would be fine ("So DJ was heartbroken when she didn't want to give her his number, but luckily...")
    Posted by Elinetrouwt[/QUOTE]
    Thanks, that's kind of what I was thinking, too, but wasn't sure if it'd be weird. I think that's what we'll go with. Thanks all!
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    does it matter? use what you're comfortable with.
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