Wedding Invitations & Paper

Guest List deleted - rant

So I spent hours compiling my guest list.  I had about 200 invites to send out.  I had estimated the % chance each party would show up to the wedding, made notes of any special menu needs they might have, who they'd like sitting next to, etc.  I log in to the knot today and my guest count is 0!!!!!!! 

My entire guest list is gone!!  What's worse is this is the second time this happened.  The first time I only had about 5 parties on the list and figured that I didn't save it properly.

I had planned several times to export it to excel, but never got around to it - so I am upset with myself too.  Needless to say, I'm not looking forward to doing all this work again!!  I think this time I will just use excel and skip the knots guest list manager.  Cry

Re: Guest List deleted - rant

  • I'm sorry, that really sucks!  I never had any problems with the guest list manager here on the Knot, but it is always safer to have a backup that's not connected with the internet like Excel or Google Documents.  You could send an e-mail to the Knot tech support and let them know or see if there's any way it could be restored, but I'm not sure if they could.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I would try and get it restored.

    Most websites can do it shortly after a glitch has happened. The sooner you get in touch with them the more luck you will have getting it restored.

    Good luck
  • Yep, I'd ask if they can recover it as well.  You might be pleasantly suprised.  And then - backup is your friend.  :)  Also - just as an FYI, I find Wedding Wire's guest list manager more helpful than theknot, so if you do end up starting over you might check it out. 

    Good luck!
    DIY & Planning | Married 

    Married: 2010
    Mom to J: 2011
    Mom to H: 2014

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    Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
  • Google Docs all the way - you will thank me for it!
    Baby Birthday Ticker
    Baby #2: Surprise BFP 9.19.12, EDD 5.24.13, natural m/c 10.19.13 at 9w
  • Oh no!  I'm sorry!

    Sounds like you're switching to excel though... that's good for a back up!

    For my excel spreadsheet, I have several categories that I have been using... I'm psychotically organized... so I have to do my own. 

    I have 5 major sections, and most have subsections as well:

    1) Guests
        A. Last Name
        B. First Name(s) - one for each household
    2) Contact Information
        A. Address
        B. Phone number
        (C. I don't have it, but you could do email as well)
    3) Invitations
        A. # invited (from each household, includes guests)
        B. RSVP returned date
        C. # RSVPed
        D. Meal choice
    4) Gifts
        A. Event - shower, engagement gift, wedding, etc.
        B. Item
    5) Thank you sent date
    6) Save the Date sent date
  • Thanks for the suggestions ladies.

    Unfortunately, theknot said they had no problem adding a guest to the list, so there was nothing they could do since they couldn't duplicate the problem.

    I have since created an excel version which I am periodically uploading to Google Docs.  When I am done, I plan on importing the list to wedding wire.  I do like their guest list manager.

    I really am kicking myself for not backing up my guest list - a lesson well learned!
  • Better now than later. 

    Still though - the wording of their response to you befuddles me.  To me, they should have been looking for a backup version of the database where your guest list was stored (so, basically a master backup from a month ago or whatever).  Then they could possibly have exported just YOUR list from there, and then IMPORTED it back in. 

    Sorry - IT nerd here - couldn't help it.  I recover stuff for people all.the.time.
    DIY & Planning | Married 

    Married: 2010
    Mom to J: 2011
    Mom to H: 2014

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    Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
  • This just happened to me as well!! Thankfully, I do have it backed up but this is still a hastle when there are so many other things to do!!
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