Wedding Invitations & Paper

One more question about return address on envelope

Ok, so for my RSVPs/return envelopes/whatever you call them, they will go to my moms address, which will be on the small return envelope. Right?

Do I put my mom's address on the mailing envelope as well? Or do we put OUR address? I'm not really sure how all this works?

If anybody has any links or anything that would be great I can't really find what I'm looking for.

Re: One more question about return address on envelope

  • The RSVP envelopes should be addressed to whomever is hosting the wedding (I'm guessing your mom?) so have her address on the front of that envelope for people to send back, and leave the RSVP return address blank.

    The return address on the main, outer envelopes, should be the address of whomever is hosting (again, I'm guess your mom?) It doesn't make much of a difference, but technically the hosts are the ones sending the invites out, so their address should be on the back flap of the envelope as the return address. 
  • Leisel is absolutely correct.

    >>Ok, so for my RSVPs/return envelopes/whatever you call them, they will go to my moms address, which will be on the small return envelope. Right?


    >>Do I put my mom's address on the mailing envelope as well? Or do we put OUR address?

    Your mom's address.  The invitation wording says that it's your mom who is requesting the honour of the guest's presence at the wedding and reception.
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