Wedding Invitations & Paper

Question--return address on inner envelope

My fiance and I live together. Do we put both our names on the inner envelope return address? Or just my name?

Re: Question--return address on inner envelope

  • My husband and I also lived together before we got married.  Only my name was on the response envelope though just because the envelope was smaller and it fit better than putting both our names on it.
  • Do you mean the response envelope, or the inner envelope where guests' names go? 

    Response envelopes should be sent to whoever the host is - or to one or both of you if you prefer. You would not put a return address on the back flap of that one, since your guests are sending it to you/the hosts.

    Inner envelopes (the ones that are stuffed with the invites and then get stuffed into a mailing envelope) should not have a return address.

    Outer mailing envelope return address should be the hosts'.
  • If your parents' names are on the top line of the invitation like this:

    Mr. and Mrs. John Doe
    request the honour of your presence

    then it's your parents who are inviting the guests, and it's THEIR address that goes on the OUTSIDE envelope showing who the invitation came from  AND it's THEIR address that does on the little RSVP envelope to direct the RSVPs back to them.

    And if your parents are deceased or they are not supportive of the marriage, and you and FI are on the top line as the hosts, I still wouldn't say you should rub people's noses in the idea that you are currently living together.  In that case, you should just list the address, no names above the address at all.
  • I answered as if you were talking about the response envelope.  But all of the addresses on the envelope, including the outer envelope had our address on it. 

    Our invitiations had both sets of our parents "requesting the honor of the guest's presence" at the wedding.  That's common from all of the invitiatons that I have received to weddings.  I don't see how that would be "rubbing anyone's nose" in the fact that we lived together or why that would matter. 

    We were keeping track of all the RSVP's so it made sense for them to be mailed back to us.  This might not have been "proper etiquette" but not much is done that way anymore.  Like I said, I've seen it done like this many ways before and no one had a problem with it.
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