May 2012 Weddings

day of timing quandry & wwyd poll

For the day of the wedding my original plan was to get up, go to brunch, go to the salon at noon for hair and make up, grab a light snack/coffee, get dressed and have pre-ceremony pics at 3:30.

I just got a call from the salon that we can't do noon. Our options are 9am, 1:30pm or to travel to a sister salon. The alternative salon is the one I go to now and about 30 minutes away from our wedding venue.

I'm afraid 9am is too early and 1:30 means we won't be back in time to do pre-ceremony pictures. WWYD?

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Re: day of timing quandry & wwyd poll

  • My wedding is at 4 and our appt is at 9 am. We are doing pre ceremony pics at 2 starting with the guys so girls will be closer to 2:30 or 3. I feel like 1:30 may cut it close depending on how many people you have at the appointment. And then if noon was good with it being closer you have to add 30 min to that since it's further away.

    What if you did 9 am and instead of brunch went to have lunch then go to have pre ceremony pics done? And then have coffee and a light breakfast before the salon. It still keeps plans the same just a little different order.
  • I voted for 9 am as well. I do hair and I know it can take a lot of time to get everyone done and not everyone always shows up on time. I feel like it would be better to be done early than to stress yourself out trying to get it all done in a time crunch.
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  • i agree with pp, 9am would be my choice.  if it's an updo, they can just spray that sucker down so it won't go anywhere, and just make sure you have makeup with you for touch-ups.

    could you get 11:00 or 11:30 at the salon 30 mins away?  that would probably get you done about the same time you originally planned so you can continue on with the plans you currently have
  • Our ceremony is at 3pm and our hair is at 8am, although we are doing hair & makeup and pics before the ceremony.  I'd rather have extra time and be relaxed getting ready than running around like a crazy person trying not to be late to my own wedding.  Plus, we'll have time to eat a little bit of lunch.
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  • I'd go for 9. I would rather get the hair out of the way and enjoy a nice relaxing lunch and then have pics.
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  • Why would they book you and then call you and tell you oh nevermind.  I would call the salon and demand my noon spot back.  It's your wedding day.  If they want your future business and perhaps business from others who will be with you I'd think they would make it work.

    If you don't want to go down the path I say go at noon to the other salon.  What time will you be done there?  Will you have enough time to get back for photos?  Maybe you can talk to the stylist who will be working with you and just have her take the day off and come to your site.  That's what I'm doing, and it's good for them because they make a TON more money all in cash for themselves than getting paid through the salon for the day.  I just wouldn't do my hair at 9am - that's way too long for it to stay looking nice for photos and then the ceremony in my opinion.  If your person comes onsite, then at least they're there to do touchups if you do need to do it earlier for whatever reason.
  • Agree with PP's- our wedding is at 4, and I'm getting my hair done at 8.  I'd rather have extra time to relax, eat lunch, etc... than be rushed.  Plus, we want to get all the pictures done before the ceremony, so I wanted to make sure everyone would be ready with time to spare :)
  • 9am seems early NOW, but do you seriously think you'll be able to sleep much that night anyways?! You'll be up at 4 whether you want to be or not, so you might as well make good use of your time! The girls just need to shower and show up.. maybe you can bring breakfast so they don't even have to worry about making room for breakfast all before 9am too?

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  • I would do 9am.
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