Registry and Gift Forum

Registry Etiquette

I've read that a couple should register at three places to give their guests options on where they want to buy but does this told true for small weddings as well? My wedding is going to be no more than 30 people so I think registering at three places would be excessive. My fiance and I have decided to register at Bed Bath & Beyond but should we register at another store as well even though we have so few guests?

Re: Registry Etiquette

    • It's up to you and your FI really.  I've known people that have registered at three places and it seems a little bit overdone. I mean, without duplicating certain things, I'm not sure how you can even manage to register for enough items at three places without that happening.  It got really confusing for me, at my friends wedding last year.  They picked three places and had registered for three different chip/dip sets, one at each place. That's just a quick example.  I wasn't sure which one she really wanted, and she ended up with duplicate stuff between her two showers.

    • Do whatever works best for you and your FI. If a BB&B is a store that's near all of your guests then it shouldn't be a problem for them to go to the store and pick something out. 
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  • itzMSitzMS member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers First Anniversary
    I don't know if it's necessarily options of WHERE to buy, but WHAT to buy. It's about variety.
    As in, even though you have a small guest list, you should create a full registry in a wide range of price points, especially if purchasing gifts from a wedding registry is the "norm" in your circle. (In some circles, it is customary to gift cash at weddings)
  • We have 200 people invited and registered at Bed Bath and Beyond, and started a mini one at Target. It's a waste of time to register at 3 places if you don't want to. I mean registering takes so much time, I agree with pp, just make sure you have a good variety of things and price points.
  • My FI and I will likely register at 2 or 3 places b/c the things we want are only carried at specific places.  There's no need to if you don't want to, though. I don't think registries are absolutely necessary for your guests.  It's up to them what they want to give you-the registry does make that easier, but it's not a necessity.
  • We're registered at Macy's, Target and (so you can add things from amazon onto it). We'll also register at Crate and Barel because it's the only place I can find that carries the dishes we like. Macy's is our biggest one though - the rest have under 20 items and are smaller and less in cost. Register where you want for what you want - I don't think there's a hard rule for it. If you can find everything at one store, go for that!
  • In Response to <a href="">Registry Etiquette</a>:
    [QUOTE]I've read that a couple should register at three places to give their guests options on where they want to buy but does this told true for small weddings as well? My wedding is going to be no more than 30 people so I think registering at three places would be excessive. My fiance and I have decided to register at Bed Bath & Beyond but should we register at another store as well even though we have so few guests?
    Posted by LilGirlNic[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>We only registered at one store. We have 50 guests.

    "It's always better when we're together." -Jack Johnson
  • Thank you for the advice everyone. I think we'll just stick with BB&B and call it good.
  • I think it's completely up to you. We decided to register at 3 places just to give people options and to have a variety. Now looking back at it, I think we would have been just fine with 2 or even 1 registry.
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