Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Stone Ceremony

We chose to do a Stone ceremony since neither of us are very religous, but heres my issue. How are the stones collected from everyone? Without making it a long drawn out process? And who collects them? Any one have any experience with this?


Re: Stone Ceremony

  • I have never heard of the stone ceremony but have you thought about doing the sand ceremony? I think its awesome. You could put it in a special photoframe too
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  • Could you have a container as they exit the ceremony for them to leave the stones in? Maybe near you if you're doing a receiving line?
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  • I've seen it done.

    Have an usher or friend pass out the little rocks as guests arrive.

    You and FI can have the bowl/vase at the altar and put yours in first together during the ceremony. After that, the bowl/vase can be passed through the rows of chairs and then placed on a table near the exit of the ceremony.

    As you place your rocks in the bowl, you can have your officiant say "EAB and Mr EAB have now symbolized the joining of their separate paths into one. They ask their family and friends to also place their stones into the bowl to celebrate the roles you have played in their lives and your presence here today"

    I really don't think you have to completely stop everything/wait in silence for every single person to place their rock in the bowl. You could do a reading or song during this time.

    Not really my style, but it could work out quite well if it's meaningful to you.
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