New Jersey

Just Engaged! Engagement brunch/dinner spaces in North Jersey Recommendations..?

Hi all! I'm excited to say that I have recently gotten engaged (3/28).  My fiance and I had agreed to relax at least a couple weeks before the planning madness....Our families think otherwise. My mother would like to throw us an engagement dinner as soon as possible (could possibly be a brunch also if the price is better).  I know my parents don't have much money but are super excited to do it so they can make the announcement. The party will be only about 35 ppl, in the Livingston/Wayne NJ area (I'm open to other areas around there).  Any suggestions of places with good food with a nice, small party space....$20/$30 a person (not including tax, I'm open to up to $30 if the $20 is impossible)?

Thank you for your help!

Re: Just Engaged! Engagement brunch/dinner spaces in North Jersey Recommendations..?

  • Nero's Grille?  

    Sweet Basil's?
  • Paris Inn in Wayne. Bathrooms are gross, but at least its in your price range.
    Married April 27th 2012

  • Never tried Nero's Grille.  Good suggestions.

    Yeah I've been to Paris Inn, just wanted a resturant type place instead of a venue that's why my price range is lower. I know they have a resturant area but maybe kinda small.  Never eaten in the regular resturant part. I'll keep it in mind if worse comes to worse, lol. 

    Thanks again you two.
  • Best wishes on your engagement!

    This may come off as harsh, and I don't mean for it to be at all...

    But, if your parents don't have a lot of money to spend on this sort of thing, maybe rethink it? Finding a place for $20 a person is difficult, and you might not get the best quality.  If it's 35 people, think about hosting it at home where your engagement can still be announced and it won't be as expensive - but much more personal and it won't appear that you were trying to have a party at a cheap cost.

    Not everyone has an engagement party, and I would suggest that saving money on this event will help you in the future towards other events and you won't miss not having an engagement party at all. 
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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  • There is this place in Saddle Brook, call Que Pasta I think the plate buffet style is about $20.00 very good food, nice place, nice staff, not sure how far you are willing to go, but I have gone to over 5 different types of events there and have never been dissapointed. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Just Engaged! Engagement brunch/dinner spaces in North Jersey Recommendations..?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Best wishes on your engagement! This may come off as harsh, and I don't mean for it to be at all... But, if your parents don't have a lot of money to spend on this sort of thing, maybe rethink it? Finding a place for $20 a person is difficult, and you might not get the best quality.  If it's 35 people, think about hosting it at home where your engagement can still be announced and it won't be as expensive - but much more personal and it won't appear that you were trying to have a party at a cheap cost. Not everyone has an engagement party, and I would suggest that saving money on this event will help you in the future towards other events and you won't miss not having an engagement party at all. 
    Posted by SewInLoveWithDMB[/QUOTE]

    <div>Thanks! No not harsh at all.  Thank you for wording it in a nice way.  </div><div>
    </div><div>Although, even though low, I do think it is possible to have at least a $30 a person dinner, not including tax, for just a regular sit down or even buffet style dinner.  When I was a bridesmaid we've even found a venue with a small room for my friend's bridal shower at $20 (without tax/service fee) a person (but for my own I was looking into different options so didn't think the post would hurt).  I've had situations where even for bdays friends have had get togethers with a prefixed menu at a nice place and things like that.  I guess if you mentioned engagement prices are hiked? I mean I've had great meals at $15 a plate but since it's a party group of course you'd have to pay for add ons and additional things.  Wasn't looking for a venue type thing or anything fancy. </div><div>
    </div><div>Even though I do think it's possible I do think your right about maybe not missing the engagement party.  Let's see if I can try to still convince my parents, lol. I've mentioned to my parents to just wait for a bigger, more important part of the wedding process to contribute (since I initially wasn't even planning on having an engagement) but they are just so excited and want to "annouce" the news officially...maybe I'm underestimating what they actually have, who knows.  They aren't poor by any means, lol, but I mean I guess in my mind maybe I thought an engagement celebration would be frivolous. I mentioned having it at a house also but they've over ruled me. We'll see what they say once we talk about it more. </div><div>
    </div><div>I appreciate your post, thank you. </div><div>
  • edited April 2013
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Just Engaged! Engagement brunch/dinner spaces in North Jersey Recommendations..?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Best wishes on your engagement! This may come off as harsh, and I don't mean for it to be at all... But, if your parents don't have a lot of money to spend on this sort of thing, maybe rethink it? Finding a place for $20 a person is difficult, and you might not get the best quality.  If it's 35 people, think about hosting it at home where your engagement can still be announced and it won't be as expensive - but much more personal and it won't appear that you were trying to have a party at a cheap cost. Not everyone has an engagement party, and I would suggest that saving money on this event will help you in the future towards other events and you won't miss not having an engagement party at all. 
    Posted by SewInLoveWithDMB[/QUOTE]

    <div>Now reading my post I realized I put $20 to $30 including taxes and fees. I ment to put NOT including. My fault! I have to stop doing these things while I work, lol. </div>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Just Engaged! Engagement brunch/dinner spaces in North Jersey Recommendations..?</a>:
    [QUOTE]There is this place in Saddle Brook, call Que Pasta I think the plate buffet style is about $20.00 very good food, nice place, nice staff, not sure how far you are willing to go, but I have gone to over 5 different types of events there and have never been dissapointed. 
    Posted by SoontobeMrs2014[/QUOTE]

    <div>Saddle Brook is not too far! I'll look into it, thank you! :)</div>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Just Engaged! Engagement brunch/dinner spaces in North Jersey Recommendations..?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Just Engaged! Engagement brunch/dinner spaces in North Jersey Recommendations..? : Saddle Brook is not too far! I'll look into it, thank you! :)
    Posted by PetKatSold2011[/QUOTE]
    NP hope it helps :-)
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