Hi All,
We are getting married in a year, so we have plenty of time, but all of my girl friends are chomping at the bit (and I feel like they are disappointed) because we haven't asked anyone to be in the Bridal Party. I do NOT want to hurt any of my friends feelings so choosing between who will be the Matron of Honor and who will be the Matrons of Honor. Everything I've been reading about here on The Knot has been wonderful but has still not helped me to make a clear decision. I have one best friend of 6 or more years who lives in Indiana (we are in Texas) and another of 1 year who lives very close by. I love both of these girls, and don't want to hurt either of them.
Would it make sense to have co-matrons of honor and speak to both of them about it or how can I decide? I really would appreciate thoughts on how to make this decision. I was thinking if I did have co-matrons, and one of thier husbands performs the ceremony, then I will simply have the wife stand next to her husband and my other best friend stand on my other side, that way we can keep them both right next to me.
Any thoughts on this?