1) It's begun! She brought over a bag of baby clothes for us this morning for when we have a baby. I'm not pregnant. We haven't remotely started trying yet. I had to giggle because I hear all of your stories and never related to it before today. Could be worse!
2) We invited her best friend and husband to our wedding as a courtesy. They got our save the date and noticed her daughter wasn't listed and told FMIL they'd need to bring her with them. FMIL said that only the two of them were invited and not their daughter. Friend said "But I'm your best friend". FMIL said, "It's not MY wedding." This is coming from the woman who told her other friends they were invited and had to untell them. I was shocked she resolved this before I had to.....
......until she noted that the aide she's going to have to hire for her mother will need to bring her husband.....and FI said "no" to that the moment it exited her mouth. The aide is being compensated for her time and we are paying for her meal. We do not need to pay for her husband's meal too. So proud of FI. Before Dec...he couldn't stand up against his mother about anything.
Today is very pleasing!!!
Re: Proud and slightly weirded out all in the same day about FMIL and babies and invites!
I'm not looking forward to the "so when are you guys having kids" conversations. I already had a brief one from one of the mothers of the kids my FI teaches at Sunday School, when we were just dating. I don't know what route I'm going to go - bean-dip, or tell them bluntly that actually we don't plan on getting pregnant ever . . .
We're totally planning on having them, I figure, let's get through our October wedding first. I think she's just excited, honestly, which is why I was able to giggle. If we didn't want kids, she would probably object to our marriage (not kidding). I don't envy that conversation when it comes up for you.
You'll never be subject to a cash bar, gap, potluck wedding, or b-list if you marry a Muppet Overlord.
You'll never be subject to a cash bar, gap, potluck wedding, or b-list if you marry a Muppet Overlord.
Will you bean dip her?
You'll never be subject to a cash bar, gap, potluck wedding, or b-list if you marry a Muppet Overlord.
I might not have to refine my bean dipping skills the way FI and FMIL are goin!!! My family isn't rude like that.
You'll never be subject to a cash bar, gap, potluck wedding, or b-list if you marry a Muppet Overlord.
You'll never be subject to a cash bar, gap, potluck wedding, or b-list if you marry a Muppet Overlord.
Long story short: I had to tell him to either treat me as the wife he asked me to be and stand by decisions we make together and set boundaries with his mother...or he can leave and I won't think twice about it because what was happening was 100% deal breaking. He has never known me to be more serious than I was then and there and I don't say things in the heat of the moment. I am very deliberate and purposeful with everything I say when we fight.
Progress has definitely been seriously impressive since that moment.
You'll never be subject to a cash bar, gap, potluck wedding, or b-list if you marry a Muppet Overlord.
I feel you lol.
FSMIL wants grandkids now- she's early/mid forties, FI is 31, I'm 26 and less than 1 year into being a lawyer (or as my uncle calls me affectionately, "the family dirtbag"). I've made it clear the babies can WAIT. I wasn't born till my mom was 37, and I come from old Irish stock on both sides- lots of babymaking years left in me. My folks (63 and almost 70) are happy to wait for more grandkids. I've started telling FSMIL the kitties we adopted are her furbaby grandkids.
As for the baby clothes thing, I must confess, my mom gave me some baby clothes, but they weren't brand new- they were a few items of mine that I managed not to throw up on or that she managed to keep in great condition. Some of them are girly, some are unisex, but it's nice to have them already and think I used to fit in that! She is, however, holding on to my christening gown, bonnet, and blanket until it becomes needed some years down the road.
You'll never be subject to a cash bar, gap, potluck wedding, or b-list if you marry a Muppet Overlord.
I'm boring, I'm sorry, but my thesis is on medieval gendered clothing . . . I had to put a plug in about it.
Those look interesting. I'd totally sell them on ebay. I once put a pair of 80s kids shoelaces on e-bay as a joke to show someone we could sell anything on ebay and there was a bidding ware and I got $12 for them from a woman in CA who was a costume designer for motion pictures. I wish she answered my question when I asked what film they'd be in. That's serious details for you.
You'll never be subject to a cash bar, gap, potluck wedding, or b-list if you marry a Muppet Overlord.