Honeymoon Discussions

family honeymoon?

So my fiancé and I really want to go to Europe for the honeymoon but with paying for the wedding ourselves we are finding it is getting pretty expensive trying to do both. So my mom and to be father in-law keep bugging us that they want to make it a family honeymoon. I am on the fence because I want it to be just me and my husband but my mom said if we make this happen she would take care of the expenses. So my idea to compromise with them was for my husband and I to leave a few days before them so we have that little bit of time to ourselves and then meet up with our family. So my question is, does this sounds like a good idea? or a disaster? I need help!

Re: family honeymoon?

  • I vote disaster.
  • Your mother is using money to get you to do what she wants you to do.  Book a honeymoon that you and your FI can afford now.  Yes it may not be Europe but you can still go somewhere fun, relaxing and romantic for less.  Then plan on taking a trip to Europe on your 5 year or 10 year or whatever year anniversary.  I really thinnk your Mom will try to control your entire vacation if you let her pay.

  • This would be my worst nightmare.  I won't be answering the phone, let alone honeymooning with anyone but FI.  No.  Just no.  
    Meddied since 6/15/13!
  • This defeats the entire purpose of a honeymoon.
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  • tlc35tlc35 member
    Second Anniversary First Comment Name Dropper 5 Love Its
    Agree with PP.  Just go somewhere you and your FI can afford.  Go to Europe later when you can afford it.
  • So my fiancé and I really want to go to Europe for the honeymoon but with paying for the wedding ourselves we are finding it is getting pretty expensive trying to do both. So my mom and to be father in-law keep bugging us that they want to make it a family honeymoon. I am on the fence because I want it to be just me and my husband but my mom said if we make this happen she would take care of the expenses. So my idea to compromise with them was for my husband and I to leave a few days before them so we have that little bit of time to ourselves and then meet up with our family. So my question is, does this sounds like a good idea? or a disaster? I need help!
    Keep your honeymoon private between just your FI and you.  If it means something cheaper and low key, so be it.  You can do Europe or wherever on a special anniversary.  

    Alternatively, tell them you'll go to Europe with them, but it would be a "family" vacation.  You would still do your own honeymoon after the wedding.
  • I'm skeeved out whenever I hear stories of parents going on HMs. It's just odd - it's supposed to be your first vacation with you new husband, so the idea of anyone tagging along just seems odd. Go on a HM you can afford and go to Europe on a family vacation or an anniversary. 
  • mlg78mlg78 member
    Second Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers First Comment
    Take a few days away for the two of you...not necessarily to Europe but just do whatever you two want for a few days.  Then, not immediately following your wedding, go on this FAMILY VACATION (not honeymoon), to Europe.


    No, no, no.


    I also find it odd that both your mother AND your in-laws think this is a good idea.  May I ask how old you are?


    Go on a nice relaxing trip with your hunny.  Even if it's just to the next town over for a long weekend.  Save up for Europe.  It's worth it.

  • LOL a HM is just a vacation-lets keep that in mind.

    OP if you're comfortable wtih going a few days before and having alone time with dh then fine-do it.  but i would side eye that. you're saying you can't afford it but then going for a few days on your own? then just make those few days your HM. i think that might insult everyone.

    also you look really young-how old are you? why cant you wait and save $ until you can have the HM you want>?


  • I would have loved to go to Europe for our HM, but since my H and I paid for our wedding ourselves, we just couldn't afford it at the time.  We ended up having a wonderful HM in Mexico that was significantly cheaper than Europe, but still very nice and memorable.

    We've been saving since then, however, and now after being married for a year and a half, we are taking a vacation to Italy in a few months.

    So, although I'm obviously a bit biased, I'd recommend taking a HM you can afford now and save up for a vacation to Europe later.  Trust me, with all the planning and excitement of a wedding, it's priceless to have alone time together, no matter where it is.
  • Thanks Everyone! I had a feeling this wouldn't be a good one but everyone else I told about it thought I was crazy. Im glad others see it the way I do and agree it should be just me and him. And yes I know, I look very young for my age. :) 
  • Glad you're not going to do this! What a terrible idea.
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