So, I stink at being a girl and I am officially losing my sanity. Basically, I cannot force myself to buy a pair of new shoes, even when I actually need them. I have driven H, and myself, nuts all weekend trying to get a pair of nude sandals for the wedding I am in next weekend. Remember when I posted options in a photo Friday one week, quite some time ago? Yup, couldn't bring myself to buy any of them.
So, I finally found a pair that I really like. I still don't want to spend the money, but I know that I HAVE TO get something. Problem is - they're not nude. And every nude pair I have tried on has been uncomfortable (I have been to at least eight stores and ordered from Zappos.) These ones that I like, they're really actually a muted gold and white, but they look relatively nude anywhere beyond five feet away. So, if you were the bride, would you care? The ceremony is barefoot, so it's really only for the photos (figuring everyone changes their shoes for the reception anyway.)
Here are the shoes. They are MUCH less shiny in person (I should have taken a picture when trying them on. Grr.) MOH is basically wearing ballet flats in that classic pink ballet shoe color, so I know some deviation is okay, and while the bride is SUPER lowkey, and always has been, some of the BMs are a bit more opinionated (and I really don't want to stir the pot the morning of her wedding-there is already too much drama for my liking.) Click on the Platino/Eggshell color.
If these are a no-go, I'll probably just grab some nude-ish Havianas and call it a day