Moms and Maids

Display Shower


My sister is getting married and wants a display shower. Can anyone help me out and give me some tips on how to manage this?

Ive heard from others to write the gift givers name and place it on the gift ... any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated?



Re: Display Shower

  • Just no.  The point of showers is to shower the bride with gifts.  The least the bride could do is take the time to open those gifts in front of the individuals who bought them.  Display showers to me equal laziness on the brides part.

    When I attend showers I go because I want to see the brides happy face when she opens my gift.  I don't want to go and walk by a table with gifts displayed like a store.  And I certainly am not going to ooh and ahh over a set of towels stacked neatly with Great Aunt Sue's name on a piece of paper in front of it.

    Skip the display shower and just have a regular shower for your sister.  Opening gifts does not take up nearly as much time as one may think (unless of course you are having 50+ guests and then be prepared for a good hour and a half).

  • She wants a gift but can't be bothered to open it? Seriously. If I went to a display shower, I'd tell the bride to F off and take my gift home. Tacky, tacky, tacky. 
  • I recently went to my friend's daughter's birthday party. While there I learned the new thing is to not open gifts. There was a drop off area for the gifts and that was it. I was so disappointed! I was really looking forward to seeing her open the gift I had given her.
    Same with bridal showers. Yeah, it's not the most fun part... except when they get to your own gift. Please don't let your sister rob her guests of those moments.
  • I honestly hate sitting through the gift opening portion of showers and birthday parties. But I still find the display showers tacky and really rude.   the bride should open the gifts presented to her at the shower.  that's the whole point of a shower.
  • I hope you will show her this thread so she drops this idea asap.
  • I have never heard of this before!

  • Personally, I'm not a fan. I attended one of these for my SIL when my brother got married. It is apparently customary where she is from. I and the other bridesmaids got stuck opening all the presents while she mingled. Like others have mentioned, when I take a gift to a shower, I like to see the recipient's response when they open it.

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  • Wow, never knew such a thing even existed. I'd feel pretty insulted if I attended a shower and didn't get to see the bride open my gift (and thank me for it).
  • This is an old thing that used to be done by wealthy families. People had their gifts delivered to the bride's mother's home, and her mother put them all out for everyone to come and look at. It is outdated, snobby, and tacky. There's a reason we don't do this any more. Please, please talk sense into your sister. Offer to throw a normal shower, with punch and wrapped gifts.
  • Run far away from this absurd idea. 
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • I've never heard of this before.  It's horrible, and I don't understand the point, really.  When I give a gift, my favorite part is seeing the person's face when they open it.
  • Regardless of the exact terminology, Retread, I'm assuming the 'display shower' concept stems from the tradition of displaying the opened gifts in the MOB's home. Please ease up off your shift key.
  • When I was a very young child, during the 60s, the wedding gift display was done the day after the wedding. It was a common tradition, practiced by families of all income brackets, in my area.The MOB would put out coffee, sandwiches and leftover wedding cake, for an open house. Anyone and everyone would stop in to look at the gifts.The newlyweds would be there if they hadn't left for their honeymoon, but their presence wasn't crucial for this event. I have no idea why this was so popular, but I remember my mom and my aunts attending these events and talking for days about the beautiful china, quilts and linen etc...

    I'll agree with everyone else; I'm not a fan of the display shower. Or the wedding gift display, for that matter.
  • Wait, wait, wait . . . So people spend money and time wrapping a gift (and for some of us, like myself, who are wrapping-challenged, this is a great feat) and the wrapping was completely unnecessary?  And the gifts are just displayed somewhere else and that's the whole shower?

    Hmmm . . . in my circle, we gather round while the bride (or new mother) opens the shower gift.  Then it is passed around a literal circle for everyone to look at and then given back to the bride.  Is this similar to a "display" thing?

  • I personally like to see people say "Oh look how cutely Gypsy wrapped this present for me" and watch them open it.Not wrapping it, is people stuff, not giving them a present.
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  • edited August 2013
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    Don't make me mobilize OffensiveKitten



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